125. student government

ok so today was interesting. Me and katie got these slips from mrs. craig-salmon about student government. Katie got nominated for treasurer. and I got nominated for: secretary, treasurer, and vice president. that was wild. and they gave me a little note saying that I could pick only one. lol it was weird. I picked vice president, because then I gets to help plan school events and stuff. pluse I didn't wanna be serectary, and I left katie to be treasurer. So we can both be on it, if we get voted in. I hope that if we do then we both get voted in, I'll be mad if we don't and I'm stuck we peoples I doesn't like. I hope we does get in. that would be cool, but I wanna know is why they nominated me for all these things. I wish I new who else gots nominated for these things, but we won't know till tomorrow. :( Yesterday was wild my dad and mom and sister took me to tumbleweeds and then we went to jewel to gets a cake and my father was being very naughty and put me in a head lock!! it was funny though because I kept punching and bitting him till he let me go. he thought that it was funny stuffs but I didn't.. I had I skirt on!!!!
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lol i bet u had fun. lol yep. ill switch schools if i could idk. lol i wanna wrestle tho so yea. well luv ya babe
woo kimmy in a skirt, sounds hot. lol. woah kim's popular! gettin nominated for all of that. its awesome! :D lol. well i hope u both get it. LOVE YA and i'm doin real good.