153. stuck at school for a bit

ok so i'm stuck in the office here and o so bored, and got nothing to do. so i thought that i would update this thing. Ok so lets see what's new.... nothing really. friday and saturday my, katie, and jade get to work at that folk fair and do the sound boards and things. Yay yea lots of fun, pluse i get to see jade, whom i miss and haven't seen in a while. lol I miss the three of us being crazy and annoying the heck out of peoples and being evil. so yea it should be really fun. Then my dad comes home on sunday, hopefully, cause they got 18 inches of snow up north and a big snow storm, and they can't get out of camp, cause trees fell down on the camp, van, and my uncles truck. then they have to use a chain saw to cut their trucks and things out. so they can go home, and i guess everything is under emergency cause the power lines and such are down. so yea not really a very good week. then my dumb dog was being a little brat and got into my room and stole one of these little dolls that i got for christmas from my grandpa before he died and destroyed it. and now i don't even wanna look at him right now. Stupid dog. haha he's getting fixed today and getting his stupid du claws removed, yay no more scratching me, really. kinda sorta idk but yea. lets see not much else going on. -my mind 06/09/05
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WUD UP!!!!?

im back at this place.. :D YUPP hit me back on my page!! LUVV YA BURLLLY!!
wow u finally updated

WUD UP!!!!?

im back at this place.. :D YUPP hit me back on my page!! LUVV YA BURLLLY!!
doesnt sound like u had good week. well i wont be home all weekend and ill be home sunday and hopefully i get something so i can spend thanksgiving weekend with u. luv ya