Listening to: Coldplay - Fix You
Well, I haven't written in here for about 8 months, and I'm still not going to be writting in here. But I made a background, and I wanted to see what it looked like, so I used this diary. ♥ peace
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Listening to: cnn in the background
Feeling: ready
Today, I watched: Green Day: Bullet in a Bible. It was totally amazing. Later, I watched Sleepy Hallow. Oh, I LOVE Tim Burton movies. That was quite awesome too. Last night, I watched Star Wars 3: Revenge of the Sith. Now that movie, is so fucking awesome and everybody should see it. The other day (probably was the day before yesterday) I watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Another Tim Burton film! Ahhh, oh the love of great movies! :) Yes, my life is made by watching killer movies. Mostly because of Tim Burton. I got 2 Tim Burton movies for Christmas. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Edward Scissorhands. Then I bought myself Sleepy Hallow. Tim Burton is one of my heroes. Like, he makes the greatest movies! Nightmare Before Christmas Corpse Bride Sleepy Hallow Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Edward Scissorhands & he was an animator for: THE FOX AND THE HOUND Do I need to go on? That's practically the list of my favourite movies (excluding the Potter series...which sometimes is quite pathetic cos they can't keep the same director for every movie.) [And, also excluding The Lord of the Rings Trilogy cos Peter Jackson and J.R.R. Tolkien are both geniuses and are fair to be recognized away from Tim Burton for they are too different to be put in the same category.] :) And now everyone knows who I love. In case you got lost somewhere in the middle, the ones that I love are: Tim Burton, J.R.R. Tolkien, and Peter Jackson. Yes. They're quite awesome. But just a note: I will always love Dave Matthews more than anybody.
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The fact that I can now jam with my brother acoustically is fucking awesome. Maybe he'll teach me something, so I'm not as shitty. He got a Fender. Lucky bastard. I have an Ibanez. Fender is way more rad. And it's black. Oh gosh, how I want it. :) But I got meself a Djembe. :) awe-fuckin-some. Yeah man.
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I GOT TO OPEN CHRISTMAS PRESENTS TODAY! YES! AWE-FUCKING-SOME. I don't really like writting in this diary anymore. I don't know why. I can never get a diary to last a year. :( *this one will, maybe.!
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Well, after school, I did go shopping! I went to K-mart & Wal-mart. In K-mart I got me mum & dad Dave Matthews Band live at red rocks. I got my bro the same thing. And I got Ryan some cd that I hope he'll like. In Wal-mart, I got this awesome tie for myself, and some silver metallic paint, an oil burner for Valerie (with vanilla oil; of course) a DVD of DMB for my parents. And I think that's it. *** *** *** At school today, I gave out most my X-mas/holiday cards. That was fun. I got THE most awesomest tie from Valerie. It's fuckin' rainbow striped. I love it. I love her. I love everybody. Good night!
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Today is my dads 49th birthday. He's such an old fart. I don't really have an update to do. I'm going shopping tomorrow. Finish up shopping for people. Yeah. Like my bro, me mum, dad, Val, Ryan. I think that's it. If not, oh well. I have money. That's all. Good bye.
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Well, I don't remember how I was going to continue that last entry, so I won't. Today at work, OFMG, hottest guy that I've seen in a long while. He's my boss's nephew. He's sooo fucking hot, like I don't say that about many guys, cos I don't see many hot guys. :) His name is RJ. x3 I need to talk to him on the 23rd. Like seriously, I need to stop being so fucking shy, cos I cannot talk to hot guys. He kept looking at me. I doubt he thought anything about me. I was all greased up. :( I hate that all guys that are hot never go to my school. I need to move. And find somebody that I actually like (that doesn't cheat on me and has the most awesomest personality) :) Sometimes, I Just Love Life.... Or Maybe Just The Guys Involved Peace & love.
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Well, first up, yesterdays story. This kid named Will (is a stupid 9th grader) and his friends told him to stick his tongue to a pole outside of school yesterday morning. So, of course him being the dumbass that he is, stuck his tongue to it. Of course it got stuck. lmfao. And like the teachers and janitors had to dump hot water on him to get it off. And his tongue and bottom lip are all swollen. lmfao. But I do feel bad for him, cos his tongue and lower lip hurt like hell. Poor guy. :( After that, school continued like normal; then bus ride home. Ugh. Well, not that. But I didn't have my key on me, and my brother just happened to lock the fucking door. So, I was locked out. And I thought that I should probably go somewhere before it got dark. So, I walked to my friend Lindy's house; it took me 45 minutes when it should have normally taken 20 minutes. But the roads were bad, it's extremely cold, and I was having small asthma attacks. I kept thinking that I was gonna die on that road. And that, if I lived, that my fingers were gonna get amputated. :) So, Lindy and her mum are really nice. And let me in! So, I got warm and toasty; called my rents; left a message...after a while, they came and got me...or, I should say my dad came and got me. (Now they're just fighting..go figure! ...alcohol is involved and they're talking a lot of shit about Jerm.:( ....) ..and I gotta go eat, but I'll finish this baby later.
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Well, I have stories to tell; but not enough time. So, I'll let ya'll know them tomorrow!
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Well, besides my rents thinking that I do pot, they now also think that I do inhalance (however you spell it) cos I spraypainted my Chucks in my room. Holy fuck, they'll be lucky if I'm stil around when they come back from seeing Dave Matthews Band for the trillionth time. I'm sooo ready to just go storming out of this place on the $1,300 I have. And just travel the US and Canada until I make enought money to travel the world. And just froget about my famliy and friends here. I mean, I CAN'T have a social life cos my shitty parents are so fucking protective. MY FUCKING PARENTS DON'T EVEN TRUST ME. WHAT DID I DO??? A WHOLE LOTTA NOTHING. grr...
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Listening to: Goo Goo Dolls
Today we had a SNOW DAY! YES! I have done absolutely nothing ALL day; well, at like 10 AM, I started Lindy's present. I wanna go out and board but I have to be at work in 2 fuckin' hours. That's like the one reason why I hate Fridays. I'M EATING E-Z MAC!!! YUMMY!! :) Teehee...yeah. And I'm listening to good music ... aka ... Goo Goo Dolls, HIM (I LOVE HIM), Sex Pistols, and a mix (which includes DMB, Tom Petty, Incubus, Third Eye Blind ... and some others) We got like more than 10 inches!!!! Awe-frikkin'-some!! And that's practically all I have to say!
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Today was Get A Massive Headache During The Course of the Day...Day. Bigg headache. All day long. Except club. Lindy & I get in sooooooo much trouble that class. :) Teehee! Well, I had 2 tests; one in Drivers' Ed. and the other in Geometry. The second one was probably mucho better. :) And the day was stupid. It's snowing. I hope I don't have school tomorrow. Or at least a 2-hour delay is good. :) LET IT SNOW!
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My day was sort of shitty. I figure that I should only write when something shitty or something good has happened. In this case, it sort of is both. Well, to start it all off, I missed the bus. So, my dad had to drive me out to Honesdale and be late for work. But then, GOOD PART, got 2 hugs from Chris; then an asshole teacher made us go in opposite directions. Another good part, the day went by really fast. And I have a really confusing part too. But I'd rather not mention that here...it's one of those things that I don't need friends to read...which none of them from HHS probably read this anymore, but just in case you know; I don't want people to find out. Let's just say: I flirt too much. This guy likes me too much. & yeah. :-/
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Listening to: HIM - Dark Light
Well, today...hyper! YAY! I like being hyper. It's like how pot or alcohol is for some people...it gets rid of all your shitty guy problems. So, my day...is as follows!: Club - Brianne needed to spray paint her can so, I told Mrs. Ballew that she needed to have a supervisor...so I went with her. Then, Lindy came out. And Brianne was spray painting part of the little crossing outside from the lunch room to between the 2nd and 3rd floors. Then Lindy started spray painting (I would've too, but I was holding the door open.) And THEN, Mr. McQ (whatever his name is) came out. He was like "who's been spraypainting the ground?" and Brianne was like "I didn't." Lindy was like "Neither did I. Jamie did it!" So then I was like to the dude "It was out here before we came out." And he said "It's still wet." FUCKING GRRR... So, then Brianne, Lindy, and I ran back to Mrs. Ballew's room...and Mr. McQ told her in spanish what happened...And if anything happens, like people wanna know who did it, she'll be sending us down. And after that, we painted our cans...Mine says DMB and Bob Marley on it...and I finger-painted it. So, I had to wash my hands...so Lindy just made it look like she was finger painting, and she came with me. And splashed water all over me. TEEHEE. It's rad. 1st period, boring. Drivers' Ed is always boring. 2nd period, stupid. 3rd period, stupid. But Mr. Roberts says I'm very right hemisphered. And I'm really creative and artsy and music-ie. 4th period, ugh. STUPID PROJECT! 5th period, I hate that class more and more, every day. LUNCH, sort of alright (for once) cos Lindy was skipping English! And coming to visit!!!! 6th period, boring. 7th period, I enjoy that class (yes, SPANISH) more than any other class. Bus ride home, tried sleeping...then listened to Chad play my guitar with Ivy and Valerie and Ivan. And Valerie is such a bitch sometimes. GOSH. I don't get why she's a bitch to me. And a bitch to her other friends. But fuck it. And then I got off the bus. And walaaaaaah! I'm here...5 hours and 30 minutes later...or something around there! All you need is love!
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Listening to: GREEN DAY
I've had a bad day. It all started with putting a necklace that says LUCK on it. Cos I had none of that today; I think the necklace is cursed. Well anyways, get to first period; and one of my good friends goes "I got a boyfriend." So, I was like "awww, that's nice!!! Who is it?" And she goes "blah blah blah" *And it's the fucking guy that I really like!!! :( But oh well. And then, well, that just threw my whole day off. I forgot what else was terrible. But yeah. And here's some more ODD stuff. 2 of my chick friends (who are both bi) poked me in my ass today. One of them told me that my ass is perfect. That was a bit different... Good thing about today:: Was one of my bestest friends; Lindy Hannafin; 15th birthday!!! YAY! The end....and all my friends are having better luck in the guy department. Brianne has Nate. Nikki has Ryan; again.
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Well; last day of Turkey Day vacation. It sucks so much. I don't wanna return to school. Well, actually I do; to see friends & this guy that I really, really like. :) Oh my, my..Oh hell yes. It's time to put on that party dress. I sooo fuckin' love Tom Petty! I don't really know what to right. Nothing happened today; except that I gotta see Jeremy; I missed him sooooooooooooooooooooo frikkin' much. And he hugged me like a nice brother! Teehee!
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Listening to: some kinda rap
WARNING: BIG ENTRY ON THE WAY!!! 11/24/05 - Thanksgiving Day Yesterday, of course skipping the half day of school was majorly important. My family does it every year whenever we're going to Virginia. So, we got out of the house around 9AM...which is great for us. Jeremy couldn't come cos of his work places. [Everybody misses him and I can tell that he misses us. He asked me about seeing our cousin Andrew on the phone today. It's quite sad.] Anywho, saying good-bye to him didn't matter much cos he was still sleeping; but I still gave him a hug. So, on my dad, mum, and I went on our adventure. At about 1-ish (?) we stopped in West Virginia and ate at Ryan's (my favourite place to eat). There was this really cute guy that kept checking me out. ;) Then blah, blah, blah, we arrived at Pulaski, Virginia, my grandparents house at like 8-ish or something. Thanksgiving; I went to Aunt Linda's house and visited his cats. (And of course ate) and blah blah blah [trying to make this shorter...cos there's tooo many details] 11/25/05 fuck that...too much shit to write. let's see, went shopping with Amy and my mum. Got gifts for family. Got HIM's newest "Dark Light" Bought this Bob Dylan book; is amazing. Saw some dude with a KILT on in the mall's music store. At 8:50, dad, Uncle G., Andrew, and I decided to attend a 9 o'clock showing of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. And we were speeding there; totally wicked man. We made it. It was good. Not the greatest; I wish it followed the book more. 11/26/05 Around 2ish, me, mum, and dad went to our property...were going to go to Floyd County [the place where all the hippies live] but it was getting dark. Then LUCKY JAMIE, GOT TO GO SEE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA at VIRGINIA TECH!!!! Hell ya, college football. It was soooo fucking amazing. I had an awesome experience, and it was probably one of the awesomest things that I have ever done. And, I am now a fan of the HOKIES Yeah man. We're going to Jacksonville! And, I also listened to Mike Jones. Yeah man. RAP. Crazy things happen in Virginia. :) Then today, got on the road at 10...stopped at Ryan's again. Ate a lot. Got hyper. Listened to music. End of story. Cut short. Peace!
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