Listening to: Nirvana
Do you know what I really like??? Sitting behind a guy that smells really good. Gosh, that was today on the bus this morning. It stopped me from sleeping. =( But oh well. Not interested in the guy. Well...sort of, he has glasses...some dudes, I'm a sucker for glasses. =) & onto school, forgot to do A&P homework...oh well. I'll just try not to miss others. She's just oh-so-boring. && Erin was there only for homeroom (poor child!) to get her stuff. Yeah, but today was alright. I don't really remember tooo much. But Geometry was a blast. We really didn't talk about the lesson all that much....mostly about this weird stuff that I don't know how Mr. Roberts acquired soooooooo much knowledge. He's quite hilarious. During History, did some *stupid* writing prompt & it counts as a quiz. Whatever. Then, bus ride home, I sat with Sean. And talked to him, Nikki, Ivan (sucha awesome dude..that tells wacky stories) & Lindy & Nino. Oh-so-fun! And another thing, today is my MUM's 45th birthday! So, everybody should wish her a happy birthday. THE END!
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lol thanks. the thesaurus is my friend. your diary is awesome. i certainly do appreciate your opinion. oh, happy birthday to your mom.