Damn... Just That Much Harder...

wow... well now i just have to work that much harder to get on Team Tirus "A" Team aka "Tirus Killers" but i mean ill be greatful to be on "B" Team.. aka "Tirus Kidz" but n e ways.. we will pwn some bietches saturday n e ways.. and imma hang wif my best friend dav3y friday , sat , and prolly sunday (it alwasy works out that way) lol wel n e ways...i guess i might make a pictures post one of these days... dunno when... lol notice i went on a big A.F.I steak... lol and i just got served by sum random person that just randomly im'ed me.. thats fucked up.. lol ne ways.... later on all
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hello nickey poo ...haha i had to leave you a comment cause i liked your name :P
um... well this 1 has nothing to do w/ ur "journal" lol but... ur an awesome kid and anytime u need to talk to someone or get advice or to bitch at someone who wont take it to the heart b/c u dont wanna bitch at someone who would im there for ya baby!