seem very happy. Nice entry by the way, it was very uplifting and it made my day :-)
are u hot? <3
please dont b so nice =)
ahh! that eye rocks. :)
hola im amanda wana be friends look at my diary and the user name is also my name and how old are you really?
I hate turkeys.
Huh? Yeah, anywayz *rolls eyes*
~Simone :D
hehe, you rock dude!
Why dont you go suck some cock, rather then being a dumbass cunt! You freak! Burn in hell you fucked up moron!
Up yours hand have a nice day!
hey, how do you make those pop-ups i've searched everywhere and can't find one that works!
Okay, Im sowwy! Its kinda annoying anyways to have some random guy leave pathetic comments on your diary, and Im sure the same goes for you.
And sowwy about the rolls eyes thingy, Im not a bitch, maybe I am, but in a good way, but oh well.
Hey! That is one cool eye ball! Kinda creepy but very unique. Sweetness.

And what an entry!
Damn you :)