*53* Another Day

Listening to: 50 Cent - Candy Shop
Feeling: old
haha today was CrAzY lemme tell u about it!
Play-Off's Tonite with Damien n Joey ok well the first 3 classes were fine..but when 4th hr came..that's when it all started Me n Tina went to the library as usual...we've been going all semester now n well we never made it on time which we thought was no big deal because they can't really mark u tardy in the library...so we were always a lil bit late..not much..but today...when we had to show them our ID's and our library cards signed by a teacher ***i forge mine n so does tina sumtimes*** but that's when it started....the librarians were like late girls? n we're like umm..a lil n then they marked us tardy!! i mean wtf! it's just the library to study n we weren't that late!! n then they took our library cards where the teacher was supposed to sign..they said they had to look at them..which was kinda weird because they never did that before....n so when we went to sit down of course i start to freak out like OMG THEY R GONNA FIND OUT I'M GONNA GET A DAMN DT!! n then tina said if i got one she'll get on in 7th hr so we can go together...but then finally the lady came back n was like ok who's tina? n she gave tina's back..but when she came to me she was like umm liz this isn't Mrs. Greschner's signiture i just went to talk to her n i'm thinkin O SHIT I'M SCREWED but i was like well she signed it a while ago i just never used it ... n she's like well this isn't her signiture n i'm like i darkened it i color on my library card c!! **i showed her my drawings** n the lady was like well i'll have mrs greschner talk to u...n well me n tina r sitting there....waiting...playing with glue sticks n chapstick with her braclets spinning on them n having a "Hula-Hoop" contests...n well Mrs. Greschner finally came n was like this isn't my signiture i didnt' sign n e all week n i'm like well u signed it a month ago i never used it n i just darkened it cuz i was bored...n she's like well fine just do'nt ever do it again!!! omg it was soo scary though!!! n then when she came left...Kamario **i never talked to this kid before lol** came n was like gz ur dumb don't forge Mrs. Greschner's u gotta forge Mr. Reinke's!!! **spelling?** i'm like umm i dont have him for n e classes!! n well he's like i'm goin to the steward's lab n so he left..but tina went back to get him to come n talk to us about sum stuff..he gives the best advice i luv it!! so me n tina got theropy in the Library Today then too!!! great advice!!! i mean i never even talked to this kid before n it was so funny how he said sum stuff..but i mean it's how he said everything n "WOW!" i mean i was amazed! he told the truth n it's kinda funny when he talks about himself to n everything!!! n i'm sooo takin Kamario's advice!!! yeah that was my 4th hr! it started out bad but ended good!! :) :) then the rest of the day was ok nothing exciting happened After school josh was at my locker like usual n then so was DeAnn n then i didn't have to run out of the school today because my dad picked me up :) n we took Tony home today because he didn't know where kyle was!!!! but then i came home..... i'm sick of the fights...i thought they would be over with...at least for a while...n the thing is..i'm taking Kamario's advice n i'm gonna forget about ::Him:: but the thing is...::He:: knew everything that was going on n no one else did now i have no one to tell it about but it's time for me to take on all my problem's not always runnin to him for the littlest damn things... but yeah...then they both left..so i'm doing fine now!! :) *Smiles* but i don't think i can go to the Basketball Games Tonite!! :(!!! *tear!!* n then i have to call Benni's mom from church n see if she needs a babysitter cuz i need a job u guyz!! lol i need to afford a car this summer!! I think that's all that has been going on with me today if there is n e thing else..i'll be sure to add it!!! :) Leave Me Sum Loving! xoxo
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Thanks a bunch !! So how are you doin? -=)
aww thanks !! yea.. me and katie arent mad at each other no more.. we talked.. it was a BIG misunderstanding.. glad ur doin good !!