*Fuckin final exams*

Feeling: depressed
I'm so depressed with the fuckin final exams..... school sucks!! my life was kind of g0od, but it seems that it's getting fucked again... my family 0BVI0USLY is not proud about me, some friends think that i'm okay, that all i want 2 do is have all the atention 4 me, s0 since 2day I'm n0t g0ing 2 tell them my pr0blems!!!They can't understand coz their lives aren't like mine, they have l0vely parents.......... & the fuckin final exams are so hard!!!
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Hey well like u say they don't understand b/c they dont know what it feels like. They live in a different world than us. As for familia well thats my family as well. Take care ma.
im sry....
i feel for yew my so called friends act like that..(bitchs)