
He got his ass kicked by a girl. What a pussy ass little bitch!!! Guess yall are wondering who got their ass kicked by a girl. Well, my cousin's boyfriend! That's who. And I bet you're wondering even more WHO'S THE GIRL?! Well....... ME!!!! Little 5 foot nothing, 90lbs soaking wet me! I'll start from the beginning. Saturday morning I got a phone call that woke me up from my cousin. She was bawling her eyes out because her boyfriend left the night before and didn't come home. It was like almost 12 so she was really worried about him. So, when my roommate got back I went over to my cousins house. Then my cousin, Shannon found out where her boyfriend, Steve, was. She got her friend, Ashley, to go over to the place where he might be and see if her car was there. It was. So, she got her friend to take her up there so she could get the car. Then when she came back she kept trying to call the cell whos house he was at. Finally someone answered the phone and said he went to work at some... place. That doesn't even exist. Then they changed the story and said he working at XL Beef and what do you know? My dad works there too, so unless he was at work this morning. Steve's friend was lying. So Shannon called my dad and my dad said there was noone called into work that morning. So Shannon then called XL Beef and they said the same thing. So, Shannon called my dad back and got him to come over so we could all go up and find Steve. My dad came over so she didn't have to worry about not locking the doors and having someone come in and take something. So yeah!! Shannon, Ashley and I all went over to Steve's friend, Greg's house. When Shannon and I got up to the door we looked into the living room and Steve had his arm draping over the back of some girl's shoulders. Which set my cousin off and she went insane and tried to kick the door open because no one would open it. So, I started to yell at Steve to open the fucking door before I knocked it the FUCK DOWN! Then my cousin and I both tried to punch the glass, which hurt but I didn't care, so Steve came and opened the door and told us to go away. He'd be home in an hour and didn't appreciate us ruining his fun. He called us bitches but Shannon started to freak on his ass. Then I did, and he got all up in my face and spit in my face. I went nuts and grabbed him by the throat and told him to get the fuck in the car before I did something else. He started to call me on. So I pretty much ran up to him when he was walking away, jumped on his back and started to hit him until he threw me off of him onto the ground. Which pissed my cousin off because I have a bad back and she started to go after him. Then everything was calm and we all got into the car and we were all still yelling and screaming at eachother. Ashley was just driving and watching us and thinking "Wtf?! Crazy son of a bitches" but she was just as worried about Shannon as I was. Then we got back to the apartment and Steve started to freak out on my dad. My dad had done nothing wrong, he was just doing my cousin a favour. Anywho, Steve said something to my dad about me being a slut and trying to get on him the first night we met. Which was true. I was drunk, all the other guys were taken and I decided to say what the hell, why not? I was simply bored and had nothing better to do. =) But I got mad at Steve, told him that it was none of my dad's business. I don't live with him anymore and he doesn't need to know every move that I make. Finish later... =p February 22, 2005 As I was saying Steve was freaking out on my dad and I stepped and told him my dad had nothing to do with any of it. All he was doing was my cousin a favor so we could go and get his drunk lazy mother fucking ass. I then after yelling at him a bit more, started to leave but he followed me out the door-yelling. So I grabbed him by the throat, pushed him up against the wall and slammed him against it with my hands on his throat still. My cousin continued to yell at me to stop but I wouldn't. I couldn't. Something inside me... just snapped. I've wanted to beat the living daylights out of the motherfucker ever since he first hit my cousin and that was the perfect opportunity. If it wasn't for my dad, asking me calmly, to let go of him. I wouldn't have. I started to walk away and he tried to swing at me. So I went home to get Rob, after I yelled at him a millions time. Rob wasn't home... so I got Amanda (who's pregnant... I know, bad of me... but just read) to come and check with me to make sure Shannon was okay and so I wouldn't try to beat the living daylights out of him. We got into the building cause Ashley held the door open for me and then when we tried to get to the door, Steve wouldn't let Shannon open it. Even though you could tell she wanted to. Finally, he opened the doory and threatened to knock down our door if we didn't leave. We said all we wanted was to see that Shannon was okay and make her promise if he hit her, to leave. He said he'd hit her all he fucking wanted to. I told him if he did, he'd be sorry. Which he will be. The neighbour next to them came out to see what all the commotion was and took me and Amanada to the landlord. But he wasn't home. So we made him promise to call the cops. After another screaming match between me and Steve, we left. He called the cops. Well, she did for him but he talked to them. He wanted to press charges against me. The cops won't because I was just defending myself... Yeah. That's about it. I've been in a really weird mood ever since then. I don't know why but yeah. All I want to do is go over there and kick his ass. I guess I was in a weird mood before it happened. I've been sort of... depressed, I guess you could say, lately. I'm not sure about a lot of things... I'm not even sure... that I'm sure about myself anymore. What to do. What to do. I could really use my Smurf right about now. =/ Meh... I'm going now. Bye.
Read 2 comments
Well I just read your entire entry! Sounds like you had a crazy/commontion-ish night! By the way nice diary =)
i wanna shout you a lovely meal. nice job *thumbs up*