Fuck It

I give up. Nothing I do seems to be good enough for anyone anymore. They were all ranting and raving about the fact that I am not "doing anything with my life." So... I did something. Is that good enough for them? No. Never. I will never meet their so called "perfect" requirements. What they do not understand is that I did not just want to waste my time doing something that I'd end up regretting and hating for the rest of my life. I want to be able to know that every morning I'm going to look forward to waking up and beginning a new day. I don't want to take schooling and then find out that, the course was not right for me. That would be a waste of money as far as I'm concerned. I started school at the Hair Academy here. It's a lot of fun. I enjoy waking up and have very little problems doing it too! It's not good enough though. I won't "make anything there." It's not enough money. It'd be a waste and I'm not going to go anywhere in life. Or so they say anyways. Fuck it. Fuck them. Fuck everyone. From now on, I'm not going to listen to a goddamn word that they have to say to me anymore. They can take a flying fucking leap right the hell out of my life. On another note: Dave and I broke up. I finally did it. After I cheated on him like three times.... oops, my bad. He was just really getting to me though. He didn't seem to be interested in me at all, was always 'busy' with only God knows what, or atleast what he calls 'work' and then when he did have free time, all he wanted to do was hang out with HIS friends. Fuck mine, they aren't good enough to him. Blah, blah, blah and fuck him blah! Yup. I don't know. I'm done writing. I'll be back today though. I have more to say.
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