for one thing no1 ever said sam should die,a parent whose lost a child would never say that,there were 3 people there& if ur dad said that to u,he's a god damn liar...if he would like to speak to my dad about this anytime anyplace,cause u rlly need to get ur fucking facts straight my mom said she didnt care what ur dad had to say NOT THAT SHE DIDNT CARE ABOUT SAM
&i really dont care if u beileave me or not&im truly sry if u beileave we said that..but we didnt cause only ur dad & my mom&dad no the real truth & my mom said to ur dad that she didnt care about what he had to say...& once again not that she didnt care about sam
& infact when sam, was in the hospital when i was in like 5th a think , i thought it was the saddiest thing cause i no what it feels like,so y would i say that about sam?...& jsut stop already cause if ur gonna tell ppl that then tell it right