[[ 121 ]]
Feeling: forgetful
today was awesomee.. i had mr.deihl for 3 of my classes.. he is so f'n hysterical! except he kept callin me mrs.wasylyk.. urghhhh!! but erik was singing this song about landon.. it was so funny.. it was about landon being in love with me.. its like to the tune of that b-i-n-g-o song.. lol.. u had to hear it.. it was greatttt.. well im talking to faith..shes so awesome.. i love her to death.. hehe ;) lets see... nothing rlly happened.. just im really boreddd.. ehh ok so that bitch.. is still leaving megan anonymous comments.. jesus christ.. she needs to get a life.. she has nothing better to do than critcize megan.. its f'n bullsh*t.. they dont have any right to sit and call megan a slut.. they know nothing about her.. and what megan does in her life and who she likes is none of anyones business but hers.. so w/e.. i think the one thats callin megan is a whore. cuz it takes a whore to know a whore.. =D have a nice day.. i ♥ casey well im out
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hey who is this

cute diary tho
cute diary