
yay. i spent alot of time with Andrew this weekend. it was awesome. i don't think my time could be spent better. he's so awesome. gah. i am so lucky. he makes me want to be a better person..not that i'm a horrible person or anything but yeah. i love being around him. i can't express it. me and laine were in a wreck today. it wasn't bad. she ran a red light and it hit on myside but i'm okay. i don't know what would have happened if something happend to me or her. she wouldn't be ab;le to live with herself if i was permanently damaged and i wouldn't know what to do without her. i hope she knows how lucky wewere and i hope she doesn't put all the blame on herself. i hope she's okay.
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that sounds really scary. id be tramatized for life if i even got in a minor wreck. so he makes you want to be a better person? ha thats so chessy but i completely understand. okay sry cops just came. geez.
maybe im uncle henry. donnie darko is the best movie. very confusing. donnie and napoleon dynamite and the nightmare before christmas are my favorite movies.
gnate..lol. not personally. but yea i guess so. they thought my 8 yr old brother was shooting fireworks off at the school. psh. i was in maryland when i saw it but that was over the summer on vacation but none of my friends here have seen it cuz its not out here...which is sorta gay cuz i dont see why they only have it in select theatres. not exactly a good way to make money. but if you can you should buy it. its effin hilarious. they act stoned.