
argh. i have a headache my elbow hurts and when i barely touch my hip it throbs. i'm falling apart. =( so last night we went to ze core and saw two really good bands the uricks and fall of autumn. then when the crappy band dookin played we ranaaway to mcdonalds and embarked in a series of adventures. i got a milkshake and we sat down and i had the bright idea to play in the balls. so we did. then i was throwing a bunch of balls at Andrew and my awesome black and white ring flew off and Andrew fucking found it. =| i was like JEEBUS CHRISTICLES!!! it was the weirdest thing in the world. anywho. so we were in the balls just lying around at this point and a worker came out there to clean up and she threw my practically full milkshake away and took Andrew's jacket. i felt so silly. i'm sure that lady thought we were making the beast with two backs or doing drugs. yeah but they gave me another milkshake and we went on our way. when we got back Lakeside...the band we went to see had already played AND everybody had already voted. i was sad...not really then they kicked us out and we were in the parking lot and we went to this bridge and sat there. that bridge was so awesome i wish i had one in my backyard. we sat there for a while and Laine and Zac were waiting patiently at the car and everybody else was gone. haha. then we came to LaGrange and went to el parko. and we swang for a bit but it was cold so i just sat there on a bench with Andrew sharing his jacket. it was grand. then we went to this crazy slide which isn't really all that great it just has this really coolfort thing that's fun to sit in. then he brought us home and we played a spot of mario. i was awesome. =) he was really good himself. he showed us where a new whistle is. fun fun fun eh? good ole mario. anyway then they had to leave and i was the saddest cat at 51 priscilla drive. it was hard to watch him leave. i have such good times with him it'd be nice if they just never ended. the only good thing about him leaving is i got two really good hugs out of it. they were awesome. he's awesome.
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im me on iiihuffiii... you look interesting :)