Stupid facebook.

Listening to: Grey Matters <3
Feeling: delighted


It's snowing. In Houston.. This is.. The 4th time it's snowed here in my life, I love it.

Okay.. sooo. I'm single.

Single. Unemployed. Back at home.
I hate it. All of it. Well I'm kind of enjoying being single because it's been a while.. So that's nice. It's just news.

I'm pretty much lost right now. I have no idea who I am or what I'm doing. I don't know where I'm going. I almost want to retreat back to my old ways and my old friends.. But I'm happier now. I'm in a better place, even if it does suck. I might not like my situation but it's all about improvement, now. I wish I would have had this mind frame in high school. I'm 22 years old.. Graduated when I was 17 years old, with honors. I could have a legit bachelor's degree right now; i could have done SO much.. I'm not even in school any more. I feel like such a loser, but it's just the circumstances. I know I'm not.
At least I'm acknowledging now that I need to change instead of ten years from now.

I really need to change.. just focus on me and change EVERYTHING..

I don't know. I just don't know.

This post was lame. I'll be back.

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