ABBI I DONT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOU ANYMORE. LEAVE ME AND AMBER ALONE. I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOU. YOU FUCKED UP OUR RELATIONSHIP NOT AMBER!!.. YOU ARE THE ONE WHO CHEATED ON ME!!! AFTER THREE YEARS. YOU LET THAT GO DOWN THE DRAIN. seriously.. you should be happy for me and amber im so happy now. you fucking made me insane. i'll never forget thoes months i spent in the hospitle because of you. I'm finally clean abbi and i don't drink anymore. Not because of amber... but because I WANTED TOO. So go ahead and call me a pussy for not wanting to drink and smoke and shit. I DONT CARE When me and you finally broke up i realized that i could make my life much more enjoyable if i stopped that shit. And I LOVE MY LIFE NOW! I HAVE EVERYTHING I'VE EVER WANTED! I can't beilve you abbi. i can't even be friends with you. So go fuck some more "hard core" guys with their brass nuckles. I really have NO RESPECT FOR YOU. AMBER HAD TO CHANGE HER FUCKING CELL NUMBER TWICE BECAUSE OF YOU HARASSING HER!! WHO THE FUCK DOES THAT! YOU FUCKING CUNT! What the fuck did mel do to you!?? What just because shes friends with us.!! LEAVE MEL AND HER BOYFRIEND ALONE. NICK WOULD NEVER DATE YOU!! you're just jealous or something like that. fuck abbi just get a job or something to occupy your time with. This is the end of this shit.! -Amber, I'm really sorry you have to deal with this bitch. It's my fault. Next time I think we should call the police. We have put up with enough. I'm not going to lert her do this to you anymore. I love you.
Read 7 comments
damn dude, your a pussy, i mean, god damn, thats the most winy, man bitchey thing i've ever heard, and theres loads of fagots at my school.
okay :)
And yea.. she is..
oh and no prob :)
stop your bitching and just tell this girl to her face instead of whining about it on blogs you gay fuck. go suck a boner
Wow, what a bitch.. I hope ya'll get this all dealt with soon :) Good luck!
Doesnt it just rock to be in love?
drinking is gay
thats what im sxe
you're a hypocrite
you still love me
its good that u moved on with ur life i wuld have done the saame thing maybe u shuld give that ring to amber