
isnt it wierd how events occur? have u ever really sat and thought about certian actions that lead to other, and so on and so forth? its wierd... to know that in a matters of random moments your life could be completly different. the actions, wether small or big, impact every aspect of our future. one random converstation could lead to a relationship, one wrong turn could lead to death, one mistake could lead to downfall, one unspoken truth could lead to a world full of regret, one word could send you in to blasphemy, one grain to tip the scale, one good day to instant confidence, one bad day could lead to eternal depression.... all it takes is one... and in the end its supposed to come down to one right... how do u kno if ur making the right choices... how do u kno that your perception is off... you dont.. when one thinks about it... we are all risk takers... our actions today refect who we are and who we will be... one wrong choice and our path has completly changed everyday we wake up into the unknown... unknowing of what the day will bring... unaware of the huge choices we are about to make and the experiences we are about to embark on... we are the captians and piolets of our own destiny and we are conquering and being defeated by new things daily... but then again everyone needs a wingman... they're your friends... keep them close... they'll guide you along the way... you can only do things for yourself... but its good to have a person to look behind you for trouble and in front of you for speed bumps... sometimes we just need bumpers to help us bounce back and keep on that treturous path down the lane...
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hey check out my poemz tell me wht u think

hi thats my best friend... and she's one deep mother fucker
Thnxx poetry rockz add me to ur friendz if u want iz it alright if i add you ?

marry me i want ur babies so our kids can know how to write beautifully
that was well written shellz...I love u...Its funny how u write about alot of things i spend hours pondering...<333-Kellz