From [13]

Listening to: Talkin to the Twin
Feeling: lifeless
I'm FINALLY out of chemistry. Oh man, that was terrible. Anyways, I'm taking phisology next year which is okay because I *like* to study the human body since I want to be a physical therapist.Which is fun to me because I like helping people and I don't know, I'm good at telling people (like athletes) what's wrong with them just by touching them or whatever. I mean, I'm wrong sometimes, but not usually. Anyways, I had something to say from my entry called "Ok" and basically it was this: bytches screwin up they face TRYIN to find sumthyn to hate.
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i think i'm taking chem. this year...

thanks for the comment, the quote thing was from "cherry lips" by garbage. i like the colors of your diary btw... lol it makes me feel happy :).
