Love tastes like caviar

Feeling: lethargic
Oh how times change... The trees leaves become colorful and eventually drift away, bringing winter with it... Change... is inevitable... Kyle's a father to be... Which I've found myself frowning upon... I've recently heard that his fiance Mary is now two months pregnant... Of course... His friend and best man (aka Me) didn’t even learn about it till everyone else had decided to share it with me... The wedding of which, I'm supposedly the best man, is apparently dated on March 11th... I still wonder, how I'll be involved... I don't see myself doing many of the tasks a best man is appointed... When I'm in Southern Illinois and he's in Northern Indiana... If I know Kyle, and I do, he has a big plan... I just don't know about it... And I'm starting to wonder if I ever will... As for him being a father... Stupid... I can't believe the sheer stupidity of his actions... Getting her pregnant before he marries her? What is he thinking? Not much obviously... I may be his friend... But I very much disapprove of such a thing... I can't believe he's bringing a child into the world now, he should have at least waited until he was married... Then again... Kyle isn't one to think things through...... What's done is done... And that's the end of that... I'm currently seeking employment... I've applied for a job at "Billy Boys", a restaurant in town, where my close friends Kevin and Scott already work... They should vouch for me... Maybe I can get a dishwasher job... I should hear from them tomorrow... Though, if I work on weekends, it would probably devastate my usual D&D at Evansville... *sigh* I've been playing paintball with some friends lately. Its a fun game... I thought it would really hurt when you get shot... It doesn't really...I'm just glad I have a hobby now that involves moving around... I've come across a little comic called Ozy and Millie, Fuzzy characters, Politics, and John Lennon references? I like it! And with that, I’m gone... For now anyway... Peace and Love… -Adolfo- All we are saying is give peace a chance - John Lennon & Paul McCartney
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I'm all alone...

Feeling: optimistic
Wow! It's been a while since I've been on hasn't it? Well of course A lot of things have happened. I'm 18 now. My B-day was back on the 28th. Of course it really doesn't feel like anythings changed... My stepdad's cousin Gary is over from England. He's awesome! It was really funny when all those people were talking to him over at the Mule Days Festival... They were like "He has a neat British accent!" lol duh! That IS where he's from! The neighbor girl next door keeps asking him to say Harry Potter... The nights have been getting colder so I brought my pet cockatiels in. One of them was killed by a wild cat a week ago. That saddened me so... As usual my folks have been real asses... Of course I can never do anything right... I guess now that I'm 18 I should seriously look into getting a job... ugh... I have six D&D books now and next week I may have eight... Peace and Love... -Adolfo- I won't bother with horoscopes... I don't see myself posting regularly for a while...
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Oh, I believe in yesterday...

Feeling: drained
It's real weird when you feel really busy but you know your not... I feel a little drained... This song always reminds me of someone... Someone I doubt I'll forget... Peace and Love... -Adolfo- p.s. This is great. Cloud Tomorrow's Horoscopes! LIBRA Your innovative experiments will not be taken seriously by an authority figure, so stop trying to impress this person. Understand his or her need to maintain the status quo. You must work on things as a way of satisfying your own curiosity. SCORPIO You are safe among friends and protected in a crowd. The old ways of doing things will once again be the better method to follow. Innovation risks failure in a pressured situation. SAGITTARIUS The temptation to sit around the house and do nothing will be one you must fight. The establishment is offering some interesting rewards for your input and participation, especially at a meeting in the late afternoon or early evening. GEMINI Communication with a partner will accelerate the growth of your relationship. Intimacy can be achieved by finishing each other's sentences in a polite, intuitive manner. A possible soulmate breakthrough could be coming soon. CAPRICORN Pleasure abounds today, as you are rewarded for your affection by a lover and for your creativity by an expert. Accept the praise as if you have earned it. What isn't flattery today is deep respect, and what is flattery is worth the listen. CANCER Look to see what other people are bringing to the table in a negotiation. Be patient and refuse to commit until you have sized up the complete picture of what you will be getting. Make an informed decision in your own time. VIRGO You could be facing a year of paying for the sins of the past. Accepting responsibility is not one of your more noted traits. Today might force you to conform to the conventional manner of doing things in order to apologize and make things right. ARIES Your hunch about security will be correct. Be it an investment, a home improvement or a new route to take back home, you are tuned in. Look at the logical side of things and find a bit of serenity in the simplicity of the grand structure. TAURUS The chance to get into a deal by dropping the name of a friend is quite tempting. Tact is required as you maneuver through a rarified social playing field. Act oblivious no matter how well informed you are. LEO Your strong will could prevail today, but the cost might be immense. Assume that family and friends have a low tolerance for anything too revolutionary and proceed on your agenda with great caution. AQUARIUS Some passion and pleasant chatting could make the day go by quicker. Spending time with a friend will accomplish more than putting your nose to the grindstone. Ideas you have today will benefit you sooner than you think. PISCES A commitment you made will work out in your favor today. Look out for a tricky negotiator who wants to delay meeting his or her obligations. Stick to the letter of the agreement and things will be fine. "We were all on this ship in the sixties, our generation, a ship going to discover the New World. And the Beatles were in the crow's nest of that ship." - John Lennon
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Plutonium wedding rings

Feeling: sluggish
Hey everyone! Haven't been on here in a while... Kinda busy... I've already been through D&D games... DM'ing isn't as hard as I thought it'd be... then again I'm playing with a bunch of complete newbs... We spent half of the first game just getting them setup and we only played for around 2 1/2 hours yesterday... So it was over around 10. Then I had to drop Scott off at his house. So when everything was put up and in order it was 11 and I was dead tired... and I'm tired now too... Peace and Love... -Adolfo- Tomorrow's Horoscopes! LIBRA What is good for Libra's partner or close friend may not be so agreeable with you. Everyone in life must choose his or her own path, so wish this person well. Avoid showing an unpleasant mood. SCORPIO Any career diligence has been the wisest possible choice as a sudden shift in authority will bring out a karmic pay back. You've worked hard and are about to receive big rewards. SAGITTARIUS More good news reaches you today, as a sudden turn of events goes your way. Today is a great day to take a big chance on love and career. Soulmate energy is especially strong at a place you visit every day. GEMINI Making popular decisions will win you fast friends. Seek out those who might remain with you longer than this current popularity surge, as you will be in need of solid advice in the days ahead. CAPRICORN Nobody is going to clean up the mess you've made; in the end, it is up to you. At least today it will be easier than if you were to wait until the weekend. Independence grows as you complete a job well done. CANCER A career decision that is out of your control will be announced unexpectedly. Pay attention, as the words you hear today will carry major consequences. Needless to say, your schedule is thrown into chaos. VIRGO A passionate encounter did not last long enough and your desire will create chaos. Focus on work and a project that needs to get started. Leave passion for another day. ARIES Excitement alert: You'll get an attractive offer from an attractive person. The opportunity for adventure is going to be subtle and a split second decision may be required. TAURUS A quick review of where the Bull stands with friends and enemies should be made before too late in the afternoon. The evening brings favorable conditions for testing loyalties of casual acquaintances as well as long lost friends. LEO A conversation with someone in the know will spell out how smooth the future is actually going to be. You might have to hide your joy at this news as others are not likely to enjoy your glee. AQUARIUS A partnership will be a little more relaxed today, as any eccentric edge becomes mellowed with affection and common interests. Enjoy the rest, as the drama between you two will pick up soon. PISCES You'll be able to cash in on an idea that you have today. A combination of discipline and luck will benefit your wallet! Emphasize the things in life that keep you stable in order to better enjoy today's windfall. Be courteous to all, but intimate with few, and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence. - George Washington
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Feeling: slothful
*yawn* I stayed up waaay to late last night... Kyle's taking a bus up to see Mary so I won't hear from him for a few days... No D&D this weekend... Though monday I'm going to try to start my campaign with some of my friends on this side of the river... It should be fun torturing some newbs... They don't even know about cursed weapons and items or traps yet! MWAHAHAHAHAHA! Nah I'm taking it real easy on them cause it's there first time... Now next time... I've been so behind on updating this thing... *yawn* Good Night!! Peace and Love... -Adolfo- Tomorrow's Horoscopes! LIBRA A passion of yours could suddenly earn a little money. Staying fixated on this subject is working in your favor. The general interests of your colleagues are getting them nowhere. Pat yourself on the back and chalk one up to tenacity. SCORPIO A pleasant interaction with a companion will make you feel slightly insecure. It seems like things should be this peaceful and harmonious all of the time. A clever analysis of the facts will be revealed as intellectually vacuous. SAGITTARIUS You experience more passion and special treatment as a group-oriented relationship you are involved in continues to grow. An emphasis on the direction things are headed will be perfect for a discussion over food this evening. GEMINI More money issues could leave you feeling like it is time to just not spend a penny for a while. Look out for your long-term interests instead of attempting to purchase instant gratification. A soulmate situation could get out of hand later tonight. CAPRICORN Romance and partnership begin to sizzle anew. Your most casual absence from the relationship has snowballed into a reinvigorated lust for companionship. Make sure you get your work done early; it could be a long, enjoyable evening. CANCER A moodiness will overcome you if sudden events disrupt your plans. An opportunity to improvise has arrived. Rigidity cannot help you at this point. A quirky friend can pick up the slack and assist your leadership. VIRGO Traveling is featured in a unique way; perhaps a soulmate looms at the end of an unexpected trip. Stage a dramatic encounter to gage the reaction of some watchful eyes. Nonconformity wins you many friends. ARIES You will enjoy a conversation today that emphasizes your shared values and world outlook. The ability to accept others for who they are is admirable, but there is a distinct pleasure in finding like-minded company. TAURUS A gabfest could occur today, as you make an emotional connection. Although soulmate energy is not featured, there is some passion in conversation that could lead to an intimate encounter if the chemistry is just right. LEO The right conversation at the right time can assist your professional development. Following a hunch about who to wine and dine will pay off quite handsomely. Forcing the issue will appear sloppy and ruin any chances you have. AQUARIUS Today will deliver a chance to explain your upbringing and make a connection with where you came from and how you got here. Strive to accept yourself for who you are without berating others who are different. PISCES Today is a chance to put your feelings into words. Someone who is more verbal than you might be of great assistance. Pay this person a compliment and get a translation. A little romance and excitement could follow. Weather forecast for tonight: dark. - George Carlin
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Feeling: torn
Everythings been crazy around here... Josh won't shut up... I should be DM'ing for some friends sometime soon... My psychology class is going to be online... I wonder what that'll be like... Amy's pet snake just yawned at me... I hope thats not a bad omen... I hope I'm a good DM... I've read over the rules like 3 times now... And I still need to look over the DM guide... I've got a good part of the story already planned out though... it should be interesting... I guess I'll end up talking about our sessions... I'm tired... I was up late er well early this morning....*yawn* Gas prices are SO FRIGGIN HIGH!!! ARRGG!! AND I HAVEN"T GOTTEN THAT WINGED CAT MINI!!! I SHOULD RIP THEIR HEADS OFF!! NOW I'M SHOUTING!!.... goosfraba.... goosfraba... ah... much better... Peace and Love... -Adolfo- Tomorrow's Horoscopes! LIBRA Your house might not be in the best shape to entertain friends but it will have to do. If you can afford the services of a last minute cleaning person, it will go miles to augment your public image. SCORPIO The better part of the day could be spent on the phone or e-mailing. Chat rooms will reveal wonderful news, but only if you are a familiar entity. This is the day to talk it over with a possible or existing lover. SAGITTARIUS You might be obsessing about money today. This is perfectly normal. While this is not the best time to borrow money, it is a great time to challenge yourself to come up with creative solutions to financial problems. GEMINI A sexy stranger may make this a day to remember, but you are better off limiting conversation to superficial topics. Too much transparency can be a bad thing early on, so avoid confessions or boasting. CAPRICORN Look at a chance to change your appearance today. Maybe something subtle, like a haircut, or long-term, like new eyeglasses, but shy away from any permanent changes for at least a month until you are sure you are serious. CANCER Your partner may be getting the attention today, so be prepared for the supporting role. If this tries your patience, understand how short a duration it really is and be unselfish with your energy. VIRGO Some pleasant times are yours today, especially if you spend the afternoon with children. Give romance a whirl and maybe play a game or two. The whole day may seem frivolous to your practical side, but the relaxation will energize you for days to come. ARIES Career opportunities abound today, as you get a chance to see a glimmer of a distant dream career position. Strive to make contact and network with those who can be of assistance along the way. TAURUS A meeting with an authority figure will confirm all of the knowledge you have recently acquired. Your ability to correctly judge the nature of people is greatly heightened today. LEO A commitment you made has finally worked to your advantage. Volunteering for something will put you into contact with a person you were destined to meet. There are clues about larger life issues all around today. AQUARIUS Today may be the best problem solving day of the entire month for you. Look at your life's troubles as a puzzle and analytically put the possibilities together. Ask an old friend who is known to be practical for help. PISCES Forge a bond of friendship today with someone from your distant past. They knew you before any current trouble and will stick by you as things improve. Focus on being a good friend back to the loyal few who always stand by. I'm a born-again atheist. - Gore Vidal
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Your never going to keep me down...

Feeling: eh
summary.... Stuff that was fun happened this weekend. I was almost in trouble for something out of my control. I still didn't get that friggin winged cat I ordered!!! My stepsister Brooke is over tonight. I do like pie. It's really hot in my room. Peace and Love... -Adolfo- Tomorrow's Horoscopes! LIBRA You are unable to find the right words to salvage a close relationship. Your partner seems to only hear what they already have assumed you said. Leave apologizing for tomorrow. SCORPIO Romance might be in your vision, but the mundane tasks of everyday life are setting a trap for you. Responsibility to your commitments is the something that will make you appear most attractive. SAGITTARIUS A very tacky person might attempt to remind you of your failure to be all you can be. Dismiss this nonsense with a refusal to debate. In your heart, understand that your efforts are closing the gap. GEMINI Some chaos in and around your home will be entertaining as long as it does not make a mess. Your career could have a positive development today involving a speaking engagement. Focus on meeting deadlines. CAPRICORN Traveling today can clear your mind and make a practical solution appear obvious. Getting away is the key; too many reminders of the past surround you to make progress in familiar surroundings. CANCER Inexplicable fluctuations in your popularity wreak havoc on your best-laid plans. The agenda of a bossy partner or former friend now in charge is likely to remain the way things are done despite your innovative solutions. VIRGO A hectic day of partnership issues that you cannot make sense of is in store. Where did things go wrong? If you don't really know by now, it is probably to late to go back to how things were. ARIES Focus on communication. Embrace the ideas of a person in the neighborhood who has been working with new technologies. Ask this person for advice and you can expect to make a good friend. TAURUS There is a misunderstanding about your recent interpersonal interactions. You might be emotionally unavailable to someone who was making big plans involving the two of you. You did not send mixed signals, so you are not at fault. LEO A task you agreed to perform now arrives at an uncomfortable moment. Although you could back out, the friendship of someone who is counting on you will make you tow the line. AQUARIUS A celebrity or other noteworthy individual could appear today in an awkward encounter. You might have to take a back seat to someone with more charisma, but if called upon, dazzle him or her with your succinct intellect. PISCES A dream or goal that you have been pursuing will come under attack by someone close to you. Today's confusion is unfair to you, as this little vision for the future is practical and desirable and worthy of your efforts. Assume a virtue, if you have it not. - William Shakespeare
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These wounds, They will not heal...

Feeling: freaked
Today was pretty much uneventful... Played the PS2, talked to Kyle on the phone, etc... My folks have been acting... well happy... what the hell? Yesterday they were at each others throats and now there all happy about everything? I'm not sure if it's legitimate... I usually don't see them this happy... especially after a bad day... Not that I know what's going on around here... noone tells me anything... I haven't been in school very long but my Psychology teacher () is getting a different job as a therapist... I think she said someone from SIC was going to come down and teach it... Crap... I have no idea what that's going to be like... So she's leaving next Friday... She was an awesome teacher too... I forgot to mention I got last years yearbook the other day... I had three pictures in it... not bad considering I'm not in any clubs or other extracuricular activities... One even has some text that mentions my mullet... So very bored.... Well I'm going to be over at CQ tomorrow... That should be fun... I need to get a job... hmm well I guess I'll just wait another month so I can get a decent one... Peace and Love... -Adolfo- Tomorrow's Horoscopes! LIBRA Self-promotion is heavily favored. Look to an old method others consider foolish and outdated. It may be so forgotten that there is a fresh idea or approach from which you will benefit. SCORPIO If you are at all interested in solving an old mystery, new details will come to light today. A friend has information you never asked about. He or she does not realize your attachment, but once it is understood your friend will be happy to help. SAGITTARIUS Your pursuit of notoriety could be reaping rewards. The salutations you find today, however, could reflect the poor judgment you have been practicing of late. Look for many people to be aware of your efforts before the day is through. GEMINI Romance explodes into every facet of your life today. Games and children dominate your time spent with others. Pace yourself, as it is a busy day with as many obstacles as rewards. An old friend cannot accept failure. CAPRICORN A challenge to top yourself will be met and matched. The best part of having an audience is giving them more than they expect. You can present a spectacle for them that is a highlight. CANCER Something at your residence or home is being dramatically emphasized. You may want to stay nearby in order to see just how different the change is going to make everything. You could benefit in a big way from all of the excitement. VIRGO Focus on spending big. The time to make the big purchase is now. Do not delay. A penny spent today will not be spent frivolously. Focus on finding people who share your belief system in order to establish a support group. ARIES Your ability to manage a partnership will prove elusive. Bigger forces in the universe alter the dynamic of things, perhaps permanently. Focus on your individual talents and abilities, as these will get you through any coming lean times. TAURUS A chance to establish long-term order in your life presents itself today. Embrace the skilled method someone offers to teach you. You could save time and money in applying a new method. Focus on the big picture. LEO Today is your audition for the rest of your life. Look to be ready to deliver your plea at a moment's notice. You will have a chance to communicate like never before and the opportunities arising from this are startling. AQUARIUS A focus on getting things in order will soon seem almost trivial. A new enlightened idea concerning how you can go about things will dawn on you. Your life situation improves dramatically. PISCES A chance to make a big investment is upon you. You need to react to this opportunity quickly. What seems like a big risk now will seem like the obvious choice when everyone else is trying to jump on the bandwagon in the near future. The wisest men follow their own direction. - Euripides
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Feeling: frightened
When I got home I talked to my folks for like 5 minutes... Then I went out to get gas and check the mail... When I got back they were in the middle of an argument of some kind... It had something to do with Roger's kids and me... I think mom didn't like the idea of them spending the night all the time... and apparently Roger thinks it's all my fault because of that fight we had about picking those stupid blackberries, the one where he took away my pc... They’ve been together around 10 yrs and I've never heard them fighting like that... It was kinda scary... If you knew my mom I doubt you could even picture her saying "Screw all of you mother-fuckers!" *sigh* It's really quite amazing how if anything goes wrong I'm always the cause... Peace and Love... -Adolfo- Tomorrow's Horoscopes! LIBRA Your chance at popularity has arrived, although a schedule conflict could find you needing to be in two places at once. The confusion could be a neat opportunity to merge two different social groups of your life with each other. SCORPIO Talking about your career goals will get you into the right social circuit. The opportunity to pursue your dreams could seem a lot more tangible when you find the people who know how to achieve such things. SAGITTARIUS A short walk or drive will not seem like a great journey at the outset, but you could find that what starts out as an ordinary jaunt turns into a great discovery. Look to expand your horizons as you see new things in what you thought were the regular places. GEMINI Focus on speaking directly to the person in charge. Cut out the middlemen in your life today. An opportunity to get more out of your efforts than is usual will be temptingly close. CAPRICORN A long-term desire you have had could come temptingly close to occurring today, especially if it involves a forbidden love of some sort. Look to balance your wants with the commitments you are bound to fulfill. CANCER Money, always a good subject for you, gets more interesting when you realize that a secret hiding place has more in it than you assumed. Focus on making sure a lot of your obligations are lessened before you go on a spending spree. VIRGO Trust in a personal relationship will benefit you, as a relaxed partner is a friendly partner. Your chance to focus on the better things in your life has arrived; look to share a fun afternoon together. ARIES Poetry will come to you at the right moment, especially if you are trying to advance a romantic interest. Look to satisfy your cravings for food and attention all in the same short span of time. Seize the moment; drama works in your favor today. TAURUS A gathering at your place will be highlighted by chatty conversation and big plans for the future. The nurturing stage has passed. Today reveals that it is time for action and accomplishment. LEO Your chance to speak your mind has arrived. This is an opportunity to ask for what you want. The only setbacks will come from your unrealistic expectations. Analyze the options appropriately so they will have what you ask for. AQUARIUS A loving partner could be the best solace. A chance to solidify your commitment to a relationship arrives today. Things will seem tense at first, but slowly it will dawn on you just how good things could be with a little work. PISCES A workout schedule is emphasized. Appointments made for today must not be broken. Look to follow the leader, as today rewards only those who stick to a plan. For today at least, model yourself after a structured individual who is getting ahead. Humor is everywhere, in that there's irony in just about anything a human does. - Bill Nye
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It's a Maserati..

Feeling: torn
A lot of people are over... We played GTA: San Andreas... It was awesome... I'm tired now... g'night! Peace and Love... -Adolfo- Tomorrow's Horoscopes! LIBRA Tension concerning a career matter is resolved with patience. A little generosity on your part could help to speed things along. Be a giving person today, people are paying attention to who helps things out. SCORPIO A hunch will pay off, in opposition to your rational analysis. Look to the chance comments of disinterested parties to solve a riddle at work. The power structure of things will seem clearer after all is said and done. SAGITTARIUS Your ability to just have faith that things will work out will get you through a tough day. Someone is putting up a bureaucratic roadblock to your efforts and it will take a little discipline and patience to get your way. GEMINI An appointment you make today could bring some wild opportunity into focus. Ignore any recent setbacks. There are no strings attached to any agreements you make today, so pursue a good lead. CAPRICORN Career accomplishments will multiply in a dramatic manner. It is as if your work from the past couple of months is suddenly rewarded all at once. A former rival will be shocked at your advancement. CANCER Your attempt at shocking friends could backfire in a comical, but ultimately negative, manner. Look to see a more peaceful way of getting things accomplished in your favor. VIRGO Finances are chaotic, but likely to be in your favor if you keep your wits about you. The need to get to the bottom is not as urgent as the need to keep your eyes on a supposed authority figure. ARIES Your closest companion is slowly becoming more and more high maintenance. You must decide how much effort you are capable of putting into a relationship that is suddenly changing from what it has long been. TAURUS A big promise you made becomes beneficial, as it provides you the chance to get out of a dull meeting at work or in the neighborhood. Living up to your word has never been more opportune LEO Something you are unaware of about your neighborhood is suddenly public information, filling in a long unsolved puzzle. Beware of an exaggeration perpetuated by someone who has a stake in one side of the story. AQUARIUS Troubling news is being exaggerated by someone who has a hidden interest. You must hold your emotions and actions in check and keep your analytical abilities functioning to ensure that this person does not advance his or her agenda. PISCES Romantic possibilities tempt you today, as the chance for a passionate encounter bubbles in the background. If you can handle being the subject of some gossip, you can enjoy the embrace that is coming your way. How now brown cow?
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Got a feeling inside...

Feeling: bored
Today was ok... Got home from school and played GTA: San Andreas... Which is an awesome game... Especially since I got a bunch of cheatcodes for it! Heheh Yesterday night I sent something in to There a bunch of A-holes though so I doubt they'd use it... They haven't checked it out yet, but if it gets accepted you can go here to see it Peace and Love... -Adolfo- p.s. For anyone who wants to know. I live an hour away from E-ville (Evansville, Indiana). I myself live in a small town in Illinois... Tomorrow's Horoscopes! LIBRA A chance at a passionate encounter presents itself today. There might be some hurdles to get through early in the day, but keep your eyes on the prize. There are a number of chances to get everything you want this afternoon and early evening. SCORPIO Your closest companion will suddenly be in the mood to cling on to you. No matter how dull a project you are stuck with, this person will happily help with some of your work. His or her ability is lacking, but the heart is in the right place. SAGITTARIUS A chance to get past a commitment you made arises. You can live up to your word and not have to worry about things if you stick through today's rituals. Focus on the assistance provided by a casual acquaintance, you might see more of this person soon. GEMINI Your money issues could be resolved today through swift action. Seize any opportunity that comes around, chances are you will not have good fortune presented to you after today. Commitments made today are beneficial in a powerful and long-term manner. CAPRICORN Creativity is favored. If you have a project in the works, today could see major progress occurring with almost no effort on your part. A few lessons from your past will help to get every disparate element singing in harmony. CANCER A burst of popularity could give you the chance to meet a good-looking friend of a friend. Be casual about your intentions, as this person is already impressed. I might be easier to relax if there is a group of acquaintances around. VIRGO Activity level and energy are both amplified today. You are zestful and ready to take chances to get what you want. Focus on pleasing yourself in the pursuit of long-term goals and others around you will be inspired to go after the things that they want. ARIES More financial opportunities occur during your everyday routine. This unique set of circumstances favors working from home today, or better yet, in close connection to a family member. If you are in need of more money, hard work is the way to it today. TAURUS Your energy level continues to propel you to new heights. Look to find a like-minded person in your vicinity. You might feel like you have met a soulmate, but be sure this person has a similar set of life values as you before divulging your master plan. LEO Fortunately for you, the tension you feel today is due to great strides you have made in meeting a long-term goal. Action you take now can accelerate career possibilities and interpersonal relationships you have been working on. AQUARIUS Look at where you are most needed around the house and focus your energies there. You can have the tendency to be quite scattered. Soulmate energy is out there. I f you can stop and ponder it for a while, it might come right to you. PISCES The neighborhood is bustling with activity that you will want to be around. Look to share this afternoon and evening with a friend or close companion who is in need of a good time. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge, say no more!
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Bush is so smart...< / Sarcasm >

For those of you who like our president George W. Bush... Here is a small fraction of just how intelligent of a person he is. (and no I didn't make any of this up... These are his words) BUSH QUOTATIONS! _____________________________ "Teach a child to read and he or her will be able to pass a literacy test." "Is our children learning?" "It's in our country's interests to find those who would do harm to us and get them out of harm's way." "We have enough coal to last for 250 years, yet coal also prevents an environmental challenge." "This notion that the United States is getting ready to attack Iran is simply ridiculous. And having said that, all options are on the table." "They can get in line like those who have been here legally and have been working to become a citizenship in a legal manner." "Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we." "Karyn is with us. A West Texas girl, just like me." "I'm honored to shake the hand of a brave Iraqi citizen who had his hand cut off by Saddam Hussein." "My views are one that speaks to freedom." "I love to bring people into the oval office...and say, this is where I office." "In my judgment, when the United States says there will be serious consequences, and if there isn't serious consequences, it creates adverse consequences." "And if you're interested in the quality of education and you're paying attention to what you hear at Laclede, why don't you volunteer? Why don't you mentor a child how to read?" "[A]s you know, these are open forums, you're able to come and listen to what I have to say." "See, free nations are peaceful nations. Free nations don't attack each other. Free nations don't develop weapons of mass destruction." "I'm the master of low expectations." "I think war is a dangerous place." "We spent a lot of time talking about Africa, as we should. Africa is a nation that suffers from incredible disease." "Our nation must come together to unite." "The great thing about America is everybody should vote." "Dick Cheney and I do not want this nation to be in a recession. We want anybody who can find work to be able to find work." They misunderestimated me." "Our new faith-based laws have removed government as a roadblock to people of faith who hear the call." "Actually, I...this may sound a little West Texan to you, but I like it. When I'm talking about...when I'm talking about myself, and when he's talking about myself, all of us are talking about me." "The fact that he relies on facts...says things that are not factual...are going to undermine his campaign." "I think we agree, the past is over." "The most important job is not to be governor, or first lady in my case." "I know how hard it is for you to put food on your family." and just to show you how nice of guy he is... Here's something he said privately "Fuck the Jews. They didn't vote for us." _____________________________ nuff said...
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I cut my veins...

Feeling: burned
I have a sunburn on my nose... great... I have skin peeling off right in the middle of my face... I put sunscreen on it too!! Well other than that yesterday was alright... It was crazy... we were in seperate pontoon boats going back to the docks at full speed. The other boat started throwing plastic bags filled with ice and water at us... I returned fire of course... I nailed my uncle Kim right in the face with a bag (he was driving). He was completely soaked... Well he was responsible for his passengers right? We all got a kick out of that... I had to drive mom home because she was so tired and I think just a little bit under the influence... Today was pretty boring though... my face hurts... ____________________ What You Are And when you wanted me I came to you And when you wanted someone else I withdrew And when you asked for light I set myself on fire And if I go far away I know You'll find another slave (chorus) Cause now I'm free from what you want Now I'm free from what you need Now I'm free from what you are And when you wanted blood I cut my veins And when you wanted love I bled myself again Now that I've had my fill of you I'll give you up forever And here I go far away I know you you'll find another slave (chorus) Cause now I'm free from what you want Now I'm free from what you need Now I'm free from what you are Then a vision came to me When you came along I gave you everything But then you wanted more ____________________ French Army Rifles for sale. Only dropped once! Peace and Love... -Adolfo- Tomorrow's Horoscopes! LIBRA A chance to get some well-deserved recognition will arrive, especially if you have been quiet and supportive up to this point. Look to those who have assisted you in the past, as they are here to help. Soulmate energy is elusive but exciting. SCORPIO Prepare to unleash the plans you have made for a project or production taking place today. There is almost no better time than the present to move forward with your creative vision. A deadline is fast approaching. SAGITTARIUS Some involvement with the lives of other people will bring about a little drama this afternoon. You may have been unconsciously snubbing those around you who care in favor of those who are just looking for a flashy time with nobody in particular. GEMINI Materialism and the pursuit of wealth are front and center this afternoon. To avoid confrontation with your financial needs is to risk disaster. Look at where you are going by examining your wallet. CAPRICORN Partnership activity is emphasized. Make some time this evening to treat the one you love extra special. Avoid complaining about any current problems, as these can be dealt with later in the month. CANCER A moody afternoon will leave you pondering what direction a love relationship should take. Solidify your commitment or start thinking about moving forward on your own. VIRGO Focus on why the people who are behind you came to the conclusion they arrived at. You might be the center of their true intentions or perhaps just a conduit to get them where they want to go. Assert your individuality at a key moment. ARIES The tension at your house could be a sign of not having had any fun lately, as the favoring of practical endeavors has been in force. If you do not stop to play some time soon, things are going to get tense and boring, a bad combination. TAURUS Your neighbors are likely to invite you to a casual get-together and a light mood will make things enjoyable. While soulmate activity continues to be confusing, gatherings with pleasant people like the one you enjoy today are great for passing the time. LEO Your chance to avoid temptation has passed; you are in the thick of things today. The pleasures of life may come easily today, but you must consider the long-term costs, especially as they relate to your current situation. AQUARIUS Commitments are emphasized, even at the expense of casual friendships you have been cultivating. Family and old friends may call in a favor and you must jump at the opportunity to be of service regardless of the direction your life has recently taken. PISCES A chance to benefit from being around children arrives, as your good-natured side attracts the attention of a very creative and interesting person. Look to network a little if you are around people with whom you would like to work. If you keep touching it it's gonna fall off!
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Put the cookie down!

Listening to: Kimble - ???
Feeling: achy
I swear.... Amy must have been like... "Look at the size of that couch! I want it!" So heavy.... so very heavy... and when she picked an apartment she must of said... "OH MY GOD! LOOK AT THOSE STAIRS!" My arms still hurt... *sigh* well I was a little late to CQ ,but they did just fine without me... I'm off to that reunion with mom... Peace and Love... -Adolfo- Tomorrow's Horoscopes!8/20/05 LIBRA More news about your social status arrives. There are chances to make amends for a recent faux pas. You derive pleasure from the kind words of acquaintances. This is one day to arrive early and smile at strangers. SCORPIO You will find the perfect stylish accouterment and begin emphasizing your naturally good-looking appearance. Look out for the best and brightest, they are all coming over for a visit. SAGITTARIUS Your physical comfort improves today. You will notice a change for the better in the way you move about the world. Look forward with optimism. There are nice days ahead. An association with an institution is likely. GEMINI Your physical comfort improves today. You will notice a change for the better in the way you move about the world. Look forward with optimism. There are nice days ahead. An association with an institution is likely. CAPRICORN Forge a bond with a passion partner. Your loyalty will be tested at a higher standard than you can imagine. Prepare to answer things truthfully, as your recent decisions give you little to fear. CANCER More good news to your wallet arrives. Look for any support groups that have a positive message, as there are like-minded members interested in getting involved. You have some big plans; action is assisted this afternoon. VIRGO This morning or early afternoon sees a sentimental replay of the past. Look out for a chance to make up for past indiscretions, it will not come again. There is a little trouble with balancing past and present, but you already know just how to discuss the hot topics. ARIES Passion bursts forth in a manner that you find hard to control. You are not usually given to such displays of emotion. Look to let go and see how good it really feels. A possible partnership is born from this energetic display. TAURUS Partnership energy is on the top of your agenda. Accept interpersonal relationships for what they really are. Prepare to explore some of them more deeply than you ever imagined. LEO More talk about the importance of self-promotion arrives. Look to find a mentor with ideas and an interest in what you like to do. There is some creative tension with an old friend who thinks he or she knows best. Analyze the situation deeply. AQUARIUS A lack of sleep can be your worst enemy. Rest up for the coming weeks. Today is just a prelude for some exciting moments in the coming month. Look to see your profile expand in public soon. PISCES A lack of quality time with friends and family could finally be coming to a close. You have neglected someone who cares about you and it is time to start working on closing any gap that has recently grown. The only thing worse than a man you can't control is a man you can. - Margo Kaufman
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This is not a love song...

Listening to: Amerika - Ramstein
School was okay, we got out early today and seniors with 7th hour Study Halls got to sign out even earlier... It was cool... Tomorrow will be a busy day... After school I need to shower off and head over to E-ville and help Shane with Amy's stuff, then I'll head on down to CQ... Dana's game will "officially" start... I can't wait, supposedly there's going to be an elf ranger in it named Sauron. LOL I remember Kyle telling me about it and I was thinking, Wow... That name is so familiar..., then he said "You know like off of LOTR." *smacks himself in the forehead* Duh! Sauron Peace and Love... -Adolfo- Tomorrow's Horoscopes! LIBRA An orderly transition will bring about more power. Look to a colleague with inside information as the person you must avoid. Secrets are your strength; revelation spells your downfall. SCORPIO An idea you have today will make more sense if shared with a friend. Locate a solution by discussing everything that could possibly go wrong. Travel is indicated and if you are not going somewhere today, at least plan for some out of town time. SAGITTARIUS More passionate exchanges are possible this afternoon. Look out for someone who flirts well - this person may be assembling a line of possible paramours. If you want someone's undivided attention, you might have to work just a little bit harder for it. GEMINI Additional information completes the puzzle. A person with whom you share interests will have good news. Look to get together with like-minded individuals. Starting a regular gathering will solve some problems. CAPRICORN A partner's help is of great assistance. It is nice to see a project through new eyes. You will get a lot of satisfaction in completing something today. Take pride in your ability to choose the right people. CANCER Solutions arrive today, and they all have your name on them. Other people will be fascinated with your practical ability. Analyze the things people need solved and avoid blabbing out your opinion at random. VIRGO A tense meeting might spoil your day. Your mask is being permeated - someone knows what is going on. You cannot be all things to all people, so why bother trying when you can just be yourself and everyone will accept this. ARIES Delays are a big problem today. Make contingency plans and get an early start. You also will have to wait for news and information much longer than usual. This is one afternoon that might best be spent relaxing rather than fighting the chaos. TAURUS An excellent chance to talk to the right people arrives. You should have a short presentation honed and ready. Stick to the overall points and fill in the details only if asked. Smile, these people already want to believe in you. LEO Being grateful is not enough. You must pay up for what transpired. This is one day to finalize a deal and make amends to an important old connection. There are deals coming that require a clean slate. Prepare for them now. AQUARIUS Anonymous sources will be influencing the direction you take. Look to follow intuition as well as the advice of those you have never really gotten to know. The people who are the furthest from the situation are the most reliable. PISCES A likely successor is waiting in the wings. You can make a quick exit this afternoon and nobody will notice. Your ability to make an impact in a new setting is heightened. Seek the undiscovered country. The only thing worse than a man you can't control is a man you can. - Margo Kaufman
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I don't need to be forgiven...

Feeling: blasphemous
It's my brother Nathan's b-day, so he's going to come over late tonight... Even though my folks leave for work before then... Apparently he's going to see them in the morning... Why doesn't he just come over tomorrow instead? And my step-sister Amy will be over as well... To tell you why I'd have to talk all about it and I don't really feel like it right now... So anyway I'm going to have the house full of company and my folks aren't even going to be there so I assume tomorrow morning I'm going to have a hell of a time getting around properly with everyone running around and getting ready... Chances are I'll have to wait to take a shower and Nathan will eat whatever I was going to... Hopefully he'll just be sleeping on the couch... I would've like to get a little tv in before school but that's not possible with him... not to mention Nathan's so inconsiderate that he'll probably try to wake me up at like 2 in the morning asking about something or trying to get on my computer or some crap... Amy, she's ok, a bit stressed lately but noone could blame her... Peace and Love... -Adolfo- Tomorrow's Horoscopes! LIBRA You can put together a good presentation today. It will help if you remember the practical things about your prospective colleagues. Romance is very public, so avoid any relationships that need to be kept secret, at least for a few days. SCORPIO Tension mounts among a suspicious friend. You are under intense scrutiny; go about everything with an attention to detail and a casual pace. You need to show that things get done, regardless of the method you use. SAGITTARIUS A lucky break puts you in touch with someone you assumed was out of your league. Focus on listening and responding intelligently to this person. You might soon have a dream relationship to enjoy. GEMINI Financial news brightens your day. While there is still some interpersonal relations that need repairing - or ending - things are looking up, long-term. You have gotten over the past and today proves this to others. CAPRICORN A dreamy partner tempts you, but the practical reality of where you are headed should guide you into a steadier existence. The tension that exists in your life is from making choices based on short-term pleasure seeking instead of long-term desire. CANCER A little seduction might be required, as a resistant partner needs some coaching to get interested. Little projects to which you apply creativity are likely to become more lucrative soon. VIRGO A boost from a friend gets you in the door. Keep talking, there are points to be made and people to be won over. There is a likelihood of success whenever you are in a crowd. Stay out of the house and among friends. ARIES Any venturing outside of familiar territory takes you away from recent progress. This is a day to follow through and complete the final details. A friend who wants you to drop everything and provide entertainment is not really your friend. TAURUS A lax attitude will assist your interactions with people. The many intense situations of this afternoon are best dealt with in a casual manner. A mellow smile will solve more problems today than a hundred well-engineered plans. LEO A good judge of character will warn you about a friend. Times have changed and you cannot rely on outmoded information. If you see the light regarding this person, consider that other close associates have similar agendas. AQUARIUS You were supposed to have a strict schedule this afternoon, but suddenly things have lightened up. Use this opportunity to catch up on a project, as a new set of demands will arrive soon enough on their own. PISCES A career roadblock that won't go away is inspiring you to pursue a romantic endeavor or creative pursuit. In the big picture, this could prove to be a much more enjoyable profession, as hobbies are always fun to pursue. Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job. - Douglas Adams
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some good news

I apologize for the inconvenience. We will ship a replacement cat to you at the address below. Sincerely, Bryan Stiltz Reaper Miniatures, Inc. Bl_boss
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Nintendo is their game...

Feeling: pissy
Wearing the suit wasn't so bad... At least I got to see my friends wearing theres... I was there for about an hour and a half so... While writing this entry I had a sudden urge to look out the front door... THE MINIS ARE IN!! I then opened the box and checked on their condition... The winged cat I ordered for Daina wasn't in there... now I'm pissed... I just spent around 40-50 minutes on the floor with a flashlight making sure I didn't drop it or something, practically CSI style... Not that it would be hard to notice a shiny quartersized piece of metal in the floor... I'm going to email them now... I better get overnight delivery or something or I'll be pissed... How hard is it to ship things like this? A catalog, 3 cards, and 11 small minatures... If someone pays 1.29$ for something that probably costs them around 0.05$ to make I expect it to be at least given to me! If it was for me I wouldn't be that mad but I ordered it for a friend so it's of upmost importance that they get it... Well that spoils my day... as for the rest of earlier. I have a somewhat complicated schedule for school... 1st semester 1st hr Psychology - Yes... but how does that make you feel? 2nd hr American History - cause the teacher last year Mr. Garrett is a total dick... no really everyone hates him... This year I don't have him!! :) 3rd hr Study Hall - a great time to prepare for the next class. 4th hr English IV - Mrs. Spence... Not my favorite teacher but she's a lot better than Garrett... 5th hr Geometry - Probably the only math class I'll ever like. 6th hr P.E. 7th hr Studyhall - first half / Career Development - second half 2nd semester 1st Government 2nd Living Enviroment 3rd Study Hall 4th (more) English IV 5th (more) Geometry 6th (more)P.E. 7th (just) Study Hall On top of that I'm a Senior so I can check out of my 7th hr Study Hall and go home... Yes... get out of school early... I have to take care of Josh, (that's supposed to be the reason I can) but that's no big deal... Actually I'll probably just use this newly aquired time to do my HW cause if I procrastinate and do it at night I miss my shows... that's bad... Peace and Love... -Adolfo- Tomorrow's Horoscopes! LIBRA Romance and wisdom combine to give you an afternoon and evening you could only dream about. Days like this do not come around often, so enjoy the benefits. Share a little secret with someone who needs a lift. SCORPIO Limitations as to how far you can take a relationship are making you restless in your own home. Perhaps it is time to consider a move or a working vacation. A neighbor could be the crux to any decisions, so you may want to get some information about this person before finalizing your next move. SAGITTARIUS Your partner may clash with the increasing visibility you are establishing. Both of you will feel a bit of emotional relief as today's good news carries great implications. GEMINI You will find that listening has never been easier, as an entertaining and knowledgeable person is happy to advance your wisdom. The pieces to a mysterious puzzle are starting to fall into place. CAPRICORN A job is paying off well, and any nervousness you have about job security will either be put to rest or confirmed today. A sudden bit of gossip gives you all the information an intelligent person would need. CANCER You might have an intuition overload. Someone who you would partner up with in a great way is very approachable. The window of opportunity closes this evening, so a quick decision is best. VIRGO A work situation may be getting a bit more complicated than you initially realized. Your career goals may not be in line with what someone has planned for you. A sudden realization may make you consider other options. ARIES A serious side of the story reveals the nature of why certain people are attracted to you. An emphasis on communicating through listening will pay off dividends well into the future. TAURUS Someone who sees the world as you do is out there and on days like this, it would be nice to accelerate the soulmate search. If you have already found the one, today is great to discuss long-term plans. LEO A partner's erratic behavior should not have you worried, as your own sentimental dramas can help you relate. Look for some determined affection this evening. AQUARIUS An emotional response to your recent feelings of alienation will revive a creative project. Your passions are intense right now, so creativity is favored. Look to channel this inspiration into a group effort if possible. PISCES Consider making a slight change to the way you go about your daily routine. One little habit may be costing you an immense amount of time. This is a great day to resolve to break that habit for good. To be able to say how much love, is love but little. - Petrarch
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I want to make friends with the badger!

Feeling: vamped
Going to school tomorrow... Senior pics so lucky me... I get to wear a suit... I hate suits... I hate wearing them... I think there ugly... especially the one I have to wear... Luckily I only don't have to wear it more than an hour... Though if it were up to me I'd wear something a bit more casual... nothing with holes or something that looks like it came out of my floor... Just something not so... "suity"... Well whatever... Anyways my friend Dana was going to start off her D&D game tomorrow but my mom got all pissy when she heard about it and I can't go... I really don't know what the problem is... I won't have school the next day so it wouldn't hurt anything... It's not that bad... It was going to be more of a warm-up and character introductions and such... I would have had to buy my own gas for it anyway... I only have 16$ + change and 5 yen... and I'm not spending any of it... (not that I could spend the yen...) Next month is my B-day! I asked for money instead of gifts so I can buy D&D books... Even though It's my 18th birthday I'm getting as much as any other year even though my brother got like twice as much on his 18th b-day... I hate him... Peace and Love... -Adolfo- Tomorrow's Horoscopes! LIBRA Enjoy a casual flirtation with a neighbor today. Nothing will come of it, so there is no need to keep such natural occurrences hidden from those you love. Money matters will be resolved favorably. SCORPIO Your money situation is threatened by an emotional tie that goes against logic. It will be difficult to separate feelings from responsibilities. Focus on the long-term solutions. SAGITTARIUS Your need to keep control of a situation by never giving all of the information will come under fire today. Someone will try to make you feel bad about your way of doing things. GEMINI You should find today one of the best times to hook up with a partner, soulmate or good friend. A pleasant set of coincidences assists any travel problems or delays. Think of time wasted as a learning experience. CAPRICORN Some financial issues are best left resolved on another day. If there is a pressing problem, look to resolve things in the most conservative manner possible. Take a wait and see approach at any point in which you are able. CANCER Serving the community is a noble goal, but how do you do it without involving other people's money? Today is excellent for giving your time rather than your money, to a volunteer effort. VIRGO The need to keep a secret from someone in your domestic situation could begin to unravel from a sense of guilt or obligation. No contingency plans can account for this swelling of emotion. ARIES It is advisable to travel light when you go to see a group of friends. There is so much to do on this short journey you will want to rearrange your schedule. Soulmate energy could be activated. TAURUS You might not be so cautious with your secrets as you normally are. This could lead to some problems today. Guard against disclosing you career objective with a rival. LEO Your emotional attachment to a person may be getting too intense. Any recent drama has brought you close to crossing a line. Respecting boundaries is the best way to avoid complications. AQUARIUS Your normal love of group activity is heightened today when some people in charge want to put you in control of a group. Before you take charge, examine the details in order to delegate the authority you have to people who can best help. PISCES Your public appearance and aspirations are in conflict with where you would like them to be. Today will see an emotional release as a realization of how good things really are enlightens you. A bachelor's life is no life for a single man.
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My backpack's got jets...

Feeling: fine
Not much today... hmm well I did go to the store and got some more metallic paints for my minis... _______________________________________________________ I Am A: Chaotic Good Elf Paladin Ranger Alignment: Chaotic Good characters are independent types with a strong belief in the value of goodness. They have little use for governments and other forces of order, and will generally do their own things, without heed to such groups. Race: Elves are the eldest of all races, although they are generally a bit smaller than humans. They are generally well-cultured, artistic, easy-going, and because of their long lives, unconcerned with day-to-day activities that other races frequently concern themselves with. Elves are, effectively, immortal, although they can be killed. After a thousand years or so, they simply pass on to the next plane of existance. Primary Class: Paladins are the Holy Warriors. They have been chosen by a God/dess to be their representative on Earth, and must follow the code of that deity, or risk severe penalties. They tend towards being righteous, but not generally to excess. Secondary Class: Rangers are the defenders of nature and the elements. They are in tune with the Earth, and work to keep it safe and healthy. Find out What D&D Character You Are, courtesy of Zinious Software corporation _______________________________________________________ Paladin? And now for something completely different! _______________________________________________________ FETT'S VETTE lyrics by c.ward music by j.fewell cruisin mos espa in my delorian war's over I'm a peacetime madalorian my story has stumped star wars historians deep in debate buffet plate at bennigans rhyme renegade sure to penetrate first and second defense I won't hesitate got a job to do darth's the guy that delegates got something against skywalker someone he really hates I don't give a fuck I'm after solo For all I care he could be hiding at yoda's dojo Got make the money credit's no good When the jawas run the shop in your neighborhood Think you can cook I got a grappling hook Let's make this quick cuz I'm really booked I'm a devious degenerate, defender of the devil Shut down all the trash compactor's on the detention level My backpack's got jets I'm Boba the Fett I bounty hunt for jaba hut To finance my vette I chill in deep space A mask is over my face I deliver the prize but I still narrow my eyes Cuz my time I don't like to waste. Get down I'm a question wrapped inside an enigma Get inside the slave one find your homing signal From endor to hoth, ripley to spock I'll find what you want, but there's gonna be a cost Say my name is Boba Fett I know my shit is tight Start not acting in right, you're frozen in carbonite Got telescopic sight, flame throwers on my wrist You still don't get the jist, spiked boots are made to kick Targets are made to hit, you think I give a shit Yer mama is a bitch, I see you in the sarlaac pit You just flipped my switch integrity been dissed You scratchin on my itch you know I shoot the gift Got bambinas at cantinas waitin to lick my lusty lips So I'll let you get back inside you're little space ship Give you a head start, cuz I'm the sportin kind Consider the starting line the sneaky smile I hide inside Hope you have hyper drive, pray to stay alive Don't try to slip me a five cuz I never take a bribe To the beat of a different drummer, bad ass bounty hunter Let no man put asunder or else they be put under As in six feet, got an imperial fleet Backin me up gonna blow up any attempt to defeat They gotta death star, got four payments on my car Hand it over to hammer head at mos eisley bar He used to carjack, now he's a barback Just goes to show how you can get back on the right track As for me that's not an option can't say that with more clarity Me going legit would be like jar jar in speech therapy My backpack's got jets I'm Boba the Fett I bounty hunt for jaba hut To finance my vette I chill in deep space A mask is over my face I deliver the prize but I still narrow my eyes Cuz my time I don't like to waste. Get down _______________________________________________________ I think I'll get a tattoo like this Peace and Love... -Adolfo- Tomorrow's Horoscopes! LIBRA A romantic flirtation could get out of hand, but that might, after all, be a good thing. Improvisation is featured in a conversation with an interesting person. You will have to think quicker tonight and it inspires you. SCORPIO A need for security and peace of mind may stop you in the middle of a conversation. Someone will likely get the impression that you are arrogant. Your needs and society's structure are out of balance. SAGITTARIUS The free expression light has been turned on. You might even shock yourself with what comes out of your mouth today. Other peoples' feelings are bound to be offended. GEMINI You will be quite impressive when called to relay a bit of information. There is a chance, though, that you might talk on and on just to hear the sound of your own voice. CAPRICORN Some financial planning will pay off today, as limited resources are put to the best use in order to enhance your wallet. A questionable financial situation is resolved in your favor, as your patience triumphs CANCER You will enjoy a little victory today. An old rival finally admits that you have won. Your discreet celebration is long overdue. If he or she quickly capitulates, do no press your victory or gloat. VIRGO A deep desire to be the one organizing things will lead to an emotional satisfaction this evening. Your planning has been perfect and will lead up to an exciting outcome. ARIES You will notice a popularity boost by mid-afternoon. Something you do or say entertains just about everyone. Use this opportunity to make friends with someone you have admired from afar. TAURUS The way that you look to the world will be heavily emphasized, so seek out a neutral wardrobe and unspectacular appearance. Late afternoon will come as a big relief. LEO Partnerships continue to get in the way. Today sees issues raised that correspond directly with your emotional vulnerabilities. Pace yourself this evening when a friend comes calling with an urgent favor. There is no rush. AQUARIUS Your need to prevent a feeling of alienation from overcoming you will be manifested in a round of frenzied activity today. An enjoyable amount of socializing added to the mix makes for a good time. PISCES Unlock the secret of the person you have been pursuing today. Your intuition finally comes to logical conclusions about a romantic situation. In your search for a pragmatic solution, you will find relationship magic. Love me or hate me, but spare me your indifference. - Libbie Fudim
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