Back to School...

Feeling: happy
Back to school...back to prove to dad dat I'm not a fool...I got my lunch packed boots tied tight...I hope I don't get in a fight...Ohhhh...back to school...back to school...back to goes nothing!!! [Billy Madison] Yes ladies and's that time of year again. It's...BACK TO SCHOOL TIME!!! YAY!!! I'm actually really excited to be here this year. Hope to make the best of it and live it up. I moved in yesterday...which was a challenge in itself. I'm rooming with Ang again...which I mos def excited about...and for other girls. We're in a suite so it's not bad. There are four bed rooms...2 singles and 2 doubles (which I think one of the doubles is a single because the fourth girl isn't here...hmmmm)...and a common room. Had my first classes today...8-8:50 A.M. - Lit...9-9:50 - Development (but that was cancelled today because of mass...10-10:50 - Bio...1:30-2:20 - Chamber Singers (chorus) My schedules not that bad this year. The only thing I hate is getting up at 7 A.M. on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. But s'all good...I'll manage. I did it last year both semesters. Well gots to everyone who still goes to school...I hope you all had a great first day! ((hugs)) ~*K*~
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hey...i was wondering if you could please tell me how to make words bigger and different colours like how you did "This DIVA needs her stage...lets have FUN!!!" please and thank you
Leigh ♥
thank you and your welcome heh
Leigh ♥