Holy A.D.D. Batman...

Feeling: bored
ok...I'm bored...it's cold outside...and I can't concentrate...this SUCKS!!! I swear I have A.D.D. or A.D.H.D.....no word of a lie. I don't know what's wrong with me lately. I really canNOT for the life of me concentrate on my work. I don't know if it's the sudden cold weather...or what...but I could really careless about my school work. That is such a bad thing to say...but it's kinda the truth. Oh well...I'll get over it. Anywho...today it...SNOWED?!?!?!? I was like what the F***!!! It was kinda nice weather the week before...it was like in the upper 50's low 60's...now it's like 32 fricken degrees out...that's FREEZING!!! ARG!!!...I have to go study...where is Anthony when I need him?!?!?!? ((hugs)) Kristen
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