This is why..

I like waiting all day long for your phone call. I can't help but smell your deodorant every time I go to the super market. Everything you say makes me tingle and squeak like a 12 year old girl at a good chralotte show. You are brutaly honest, sometimes to the point where it hurts. I sence a bit of hypocracy when you say I'm the "best girlfriend", but later complain about how I dont give enough. I love that you like the Killers because I like seeing your red cheeks when I make fun of you for it. I hate that I'm jealous, and not just with girls, but with your guy friends too. I guess I just want ALL of your attention (don't worry though, all girls are enginered with it). I love that you can call me up while on the shitter, better yet, I like being there while you shit. I hate how I act sometimes, careless and ungrateful. I miss laying with you after sex, you're best at that. Don't get me wrong, our "sex-life" is unbeleivable, and is what I fantasize about most. I like how imature we are that we giggle when we talk about "it". I hate you when you drink when it's a large group of people. When you drink with me, you're wonderful. I hate how sometimes you look at other girls when we're walking down the street, I know it's just a reaction (you're a man). I hate how I am blind of anyone but you. actually, I like that. I hate your brother for puting shit in our heads (he's a mind fucker). You hate my brother, for simply being himself, don't worry I'm with you on that. I think you act imaturely when we fight in person, on the phone you handle it well. I love that you like Elliott Smith, because he is a big part of my mentality and now even more because when I listen to him I think about you. I love you in your uniform, and I make sure to remind you often. It's weird when I see a picture of you back in the day and all the feelings I have for you disappear. That makes me feel horrible and I cry for 5 minutes and then look at the next picture and I love you again. I hate how I can give in to you. I cringe when I think about life before you. You changed my life, no, scratch that. You are my life. I love you.
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