Looking forward..

Listening to: Silence (Yup. Again.)
Feeling: abandoned
Again with a big white entry box in front of my face and yet no idea what to write. This always happens ya kno? Well one minor diff, this time i'm sitting at my couch looking at a tv screen hooked to a dreamcast instead of a pc this time. yay for me. Honestly, aside from the spanish test coming up here next week, i'm set pretty good. Got some stuff coming in the mail that i want pretty bad (Full set of super NES and N64 games ^_^), watiting for the lcd screen guy to get back to me, nice big meal for lunch coming up tomorrow. Eh, sounds minor, but all the little stuff adds up ne? I'm off - this DC browser is being kinda weird. Genzan o kara omaesan Ja Ne.
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I was gonna leave you a note about wanting to be able to speak japanese, but then I just saw that empty white box and kinda forgot everything.

see ya