Quiz Mania VII - Cant think of anything!

Ripped from the diary of sopointless, AKA amanda-chan.. Thanks in advance ^^ == Using band names/singers, spell out your name: (I think i'll do song names like Amanda did because i really suck with artist names :/) Tetris New Melody OCRemix (AM.fm.gm) Summer Planet (Two-Mix) Underwear goes inside the pants (Lazyboy) King of fools (Edguy) American Idiot (Green Day) Superspr0de (Freezepop) Automatic (Utada Hikaru) Have you ever had a song written about you? Negative. Which song has ever made you cry? Yeah but i can't remember what the name is. Damn that girl could sing tho.. What song makes you happy? Anything upbeat and techno sounding. Something you could DDR to ^^ who do you like to listen to before bed? The birds chirping outside, my music gets me too hyper to sleep :/ HEIGHT: 6' 2" HAIR COLOR: Brown. SKIN COLOR: Whiter than usual EYE COLOR: Brown PIERCINGS: Nada. TATTOOS: Zip. WHAT COLOR PANTS ARE YOU WEARING? Jeans. Blue. WHAT SONG ARE YOU LISTENING TO? I wasnt going to listen to anything.. but ok since you asked (puts the gitaroo man soundtrack in and plays Born to be Bone) WHAT TASTE IS IN YOUR MOUTH? Morning Breath. Yuck. WHAT'S THE WEATHER LIKE? Twilight and snowy >< HOW ARE YOU? Erm.. ok? GET MOTION SICKNESS? Negative. HAVE A BAD HABIT? Yes. GET ALONG WITH YOUR PARENTS? Half the time, but yes. LIKE TO DRIVE? If i could get my mom to go out with me... #*(! FAVORTIE TV SHOW? Attack of the Show CONDITIONER? Eh, i just use whatever the 'rentz have in teh bathroom at the moment. BOOK? Snow Crash. MAGAZINE? None. NON-ALCOHOLIC DRINK? Coke, jolt, pirhana.. just about anything with enough caffiene to insure that you dont sleep for a few weeks.. ALCOHOLIC DRINK? None. Ick. THING TO DO ON THE WEEKEND? Computer. BAND OR GROUP or SINGER or RAPPER? Rapper. HAVE YOU BROKEN THE LAW? No. RAN AWAY FROM HOME? No. SNUCK OUT OF THE HOUSE? No. EVER GONE SKINNY DIPPING? Nope. MADE A PRANK PHONE CALL? Used an online sound board to make my mom think Dr Phil was calling.. freakin hilarious! EVER TIPPED OVER A PORTA POTTY? No. USED YOUR PARENTS' CREDIT CARD BEFORE? Yes. Only with permission, of course ^^ SKIPPED SCHOOL BEFORE? Yes. FELL ASLEEP IN THE SHOWER/BATH? Yeah. BEEN IN A SCHOOL PLAY? No. LET A FRIEND CRY ON YOUR SHOULDER? Yes. HAVE A BOYFRIEND? No. HAVE A GIRLFRIEND? Yup. SEXUALITY? Straight as a board. CHILDREN? No. CRUSH? Not ATM BEEN IN LOVE? Yes HAD A HARD TIME GETTING OVER SOMEONE? HELL yes. BEEN HURT? Yes. YOUR GREATEST REGRET? Not being there for someone. GONE OUT WITH A SOMEONE YOU ONLY KNEW FOR THREE DAYS? No, but i should try that some time ^^ DO YOU HAVE A JOB? Yes. WHAT DOES YOUR CD PLAYER HAVE IN IT RIGHT NOW? Nightwish - Century Child IF YOU WERE A CRAYON, WHAT COLOR WOULD YOU BE? Blue. WHO MAKES YOU THE HAPPIEST? This space for rent. Contact TsukasaX@gmail.com ;) WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY? Music.
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