You'd Give Up Too If Nobody Believed In You

Listening to: fools rush in
Feeling: explosive
My dad is such a jerk. I stayed at my friend Marcie's house friday, sat, sunday, and monday. I was originally planning on leaving sometime on Sunday, but things changed. I ended up leaving Monday night. Since i was planning on going home on sunday, i knew someone would be home to let me in. Well i didn't think about that when i told my dad that i was staying again. So today, my dad gets all mad when i call him and tell him i can't go home until he gets there cuz i dont have my key with me. He yelled his freakin head off at me for not having my key. He made such a big deal just because someone had to come and pick me up. He's still mad at me. I went downstairs to apologize to him right? What does he do...make it worse. He'll be mad at me until tomorrow when he comes home from work, all because i asked what time he'd be home so i could get in the house. Uuuuugh.
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Sometimes parents just don't understand, luckily they get over most things quickly.

Cute journal =)

sorry you got in mom also should have waited until he got home and took you home like she she would have--its not your fault