so there is this guy. . .

and im like SUPER confused about whats going on. i like him alot, but its weird because he used to like be in love with my best friend katie. and unfortunatly i was born with the curse of thinking im not good enough for anyone, so thats definalty getting the best of me. im really afraid to tell him. when i was younger and i didnt really care, i would tell all the guys i liked, now it DOES mean something so im scared of rejection i guess. i really thought about it last night and he really fits all the ideas i had about a guy...physically, mentally, everything. its just weird because A) if he does like me, i feel like it would be because me and Katie are like SOO similar...and thats not really cool for him or me. and B) because if he doesnt like me, and he finds out i like him, then we couldnt just chill like we do now...cuz it would be weird. Me, katie, and him just chill at the mall sometimes, and talk, and laugh and its great and fun...i dont want to ruin it :-/ but i really like him...and i have to admit im not EXACTLY sure why, it just happend. hes into some weird stuff, but that doesnt bother me...and i know hes not like other guys. he actually has manners, and he wouldnt be pushy or anything...UGH im truly confused. i guess it comes down to, i do want him to know, i just dont want to tell him lol. i want him to know, so then he wouldnt be afraid to say if he DOES like me, but i dont want ME to tell him cuz i dont want him to feel like he couldnt be honest that he doesnt like me or does to my face. if that makes sense...cuz it makes sense to me. hmm any advice? cuz that might help some.
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so my mom had her surgery today, and its good, shes home and just sleeping alot. but im going to stay home tomorrow and take care of her. my dad actually called my school and told them to have me call him, and i guess the message got passed on a little, and when it got to me it was an 'emergency' and i needed to call my dad im freaking out thinking something bad happend...and all he needed was to make sure i was coming home after school to get my brother lol i was like "thats it?? thats all it was?!?" lol good times... so i went to the game tonight and had ALOT of fun. katie came ((a little tardy...but she was excused lol)) and we just like rolled around the bleachers laughing. the freshman game wasnt exciting...and they lost, but the JV game was alot of fun, and screaming and excitment. they wont 14-6. so tomorrow its mall time. im happy cuz im gonna go to school quick in the morning(to get my work) and then chill with my mom, then hang out tomorrow night. its gonna be fun =) im not really sure about all the people that are going but its gonna be good. we are inviting an odd group of people((we being me and katie)) and it aught to be interesting.
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ok so yeah...i really need to write more. its not that i have nothing to write about, its just i never get the urge to write anymore lol i think its because i have a myspace addiction and its taking over...but thats just sad so lets not think about that lol so school has been good...DEFINATLY better since i dropped that BITCH of a class Spanish 3. now i have French I with a great teacher & i dont have a 7th every other day i get off at 12:20p...which makes the week seem a little faster. the only class i see problems with is chemistry. so far its been a hell-of-alot of math, and thats definatly not my best subject. but i dont have a choice so...yeah so i think i might start babysitting again. it was fun, and i actually had money. this one family has 4 kids, 5 on some weeks and they are looking for a babysitter...i was like yeah right here lol. cuz i was making real good money watching just ONE this aught to be cool. so lately i havent been eating any white carbs ((aka pasta, white bread, CRAP)) and ive felt alot better. i dont think ive lost any weight...which is definatly the goal, but ill figure that out when i go to the doctors next friday :-/ so friday me, katie, juan, and tanisha went to the first varsity game ever for my school. it was ALOT of fun, but they lost sooo bad. it was 14-41...and it was the worst game ive ever seen...but i had fun. it rained, and people were dancing and it was great. i just REALLY hope they are better before our homecoming game :-) which im super excited about. im going to buy a new dress, and im taking katie...just cuz ill probally have more fun with my best friend than any stupid boy lol ((aww)) but yeah...that means happy things, like getting nails and hair done, and beautiful new dresses. our theme is Mardi Gras =) which makes me totally happy cuz that means lots of beads lol. ok well i gotta go to bed a little early cuz i was tired as hell today...but yeah ill definatly start writing more =) oh PS: my school raised So much money and clothes for hurricane Katrina. myself DEFINATLY included. i brought in like 25 huge bags of clothes that i collected from random was great.
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man lately ive been really depressed and lonely. like even when im around friends and family i feel REALLY alone. i feel like im unloved, not like NO one loves me, but im just missing the right kind. i need a boyfriend. i just feel like im not good enough for anyone...i guess this is just what my self esteem has come down to. people tell me thats not true everyday, but i cant believe it. i guess cuz its been so long, i feel like its not ever going to happen. may b its not...may b ill be old and still not ever have been in love. i sure hope not...
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so i didnt say anything earlier but the day after i left for the beach my dad gave away MY puppy Lady. i knew he was gonna do it, and i know why, but i still didnt talk to him for a while. the 2 puppies were fighting alot, and they were encouraging each other to bark alot, so we just had to get rid of one before they became too attached. they chose Princess because she was learning alot faster, and developing faster. but then today i came home ((from my already TERRIBLE day)) and my dad told me that my mom found Princess dead this morning about 20 min after i left for work. we just started leaving her out of the kennel at night about 3 days ago. last night she got a goldfish bag off the top of the trash and i guess was digging in it so deep she couldnt get her face back out. they said that she didnt look like she suffered too much, but i cant believe that. it took my dad saying it about 3 times before it sank in. it was so soon, and so sudden i just cant get over it. all i can think of is the stuff that COULD have happend. like if she was in the cage she wouldnt have gotten it, or if we still had Lady they would have fought over the bag till it ripped. also, katie was here and Princess wanted to sleep in my room and i put her out, may b if i hadnt she would be fine. but i guess its too late for all that...
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ok so the beach was awesome. i did stuff with my mother for the first time in a while, and it was all stuff that we couldnt do here. it was all SO much fun. we went for a week, to Myrtle Beach, and we went with our extended family lol my 'sister' and my nephew and neice =) we got a full condo from rachels co-worker for $300, it was really nice. we only went to the BEACH like 3 times but i went parasailing the one day. me and my mom did it together and it was GREAT. i had done it before when i went with Katies family, but it was just as cool this time. i saw a sea turtle =) then the last day we went to the beach i saw a shark jump out of the water and go back in...then i got stung by a DAMN jellyfish on my leg...which freaked me the hell out. hurt like a mother too...but it was ok. me and my mom went to an impersonators show. that was so cool cuz it was really good. we saw bette midler, tina turner, tom jones, rod stewart, david bowie, and Elvis wannabees lol and i got pics with 4 of them. then me, my mom, and rachel went to this comedy show one night. that was the best thing I think we did there. it was SO funny. we saw 4 comedians...and the headliner was Dave Tucker. it really was the funniest thing ever, and rachel got WASTED cuz it was the first night without her kids in like yeah. then after we went to the bar and hung out with the comedians after the show. one night we went to this amusment park right in the middle of myrtle beach called the pavillion. we got in for like $10 each ((rachels moms company owns it)) and we got all the rides unlimited. i rode like all of them with rachel and her step-dad. i love roller coasters alot so this was alot of fun for me...and it was the first time to an amusment park since like a year. one day we went to all 4 of the 'ripleys believe or not' attractions there. they had an aquarium which was AWESOME. you go in like this mile long tunnel that has glass ALL around you with fish and sharks in it, and you just stand on like this moving sidewalk through the tunnel. my nephew had a freaking heartattack because finding nemo is the only movie he will watch and they had this whole tank with dorys, and nemos, and that yellow fish swimming all around. then they had this museum with a bunch of really odd and random stuff in it. then there was a 4D movies which the chairs moved, and they were 3D, and you could feel the stuff around you...yeah this was kindda cheesy but still it was HOT outside so it felt good to be inside. THEN omg...there was a haunted mansion thing. me, rachel, and my parents went in there. me and rachel almost didnt make it out lol. i thought it was gonna be real cheesy but um NO i was scared deep down inside. it was like 99% in pitch black dark, and you have to 'make it through the house in 10 min or you die'...and rachel almost had to be carried out lol i was choking my dad cuz i was holding on to his shirt with my whole life lol. then a guy with a chainsaw just like came out and started chasing us...and i almost pissed myself i was so scared lol. good times lol it was still fun we also went to dinner like everynight lol so that was cool. lots of different food. and we went to alot of cool restaurants. this one restaurant had like the walls covered in random license plates and you can write or carve stuff anywhere you like in the restaurant. it was really fun. alright well im sure i did more, but i just cant remember. ill post an entry with pics soon...but they are all on our laptop. <3
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ok so far this week ive done absolutly nothing but laundry...and i barely have any lol. tomorrow i gotta clean my room, and do some other stuff to make some $$. then thursday and friday i work at 6:00am, and im going to show this younger girl what to do and stuff because next week im going to the BEEEEEAAAAACCCCCCCHHHH =)=)=) and i need someone to watch ethan for me. i am SO excited about the beach. we have so much planned already and we arent leaving till sat. im sad though cuz im going alone but im totally content cuz i know im not gonna be bored. so far we are going to like this nascar place...and i actually get to like drive a race car, around the track at 100mph lol i am SO excited cuz i try to do that everyday lol but now itll be legal! we are also going to this ripleys aquarium where we get to see like retarted fish and stuff lol and then i get to go to dinner at this comedy place one night. ugh there is alot more but i cant remember. we also have 3 full days for the beach =). the place we are staying at is a condo in a country club. itll be cool. im gonna take like a billion pictures =) when i come back ill be home for a week and then im probally going to OBX with shellie. =) thats cool cuz ill get to go to the beach like EVERY day lol. so yeah thats totally cool. im not 100% sure im going yet but i hope i am. im also helping shellie move into her new apartment the day before we leave. they finally got their own, and i got a pickup truck so im gonna help move their shit. alright well i gotta go do nothing some more.
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ok so this week was school. yeah i know, but it wasnt that bad. i mean it really is better driving to school, and all my teachers are the best. i still have that bitch of a spanish teacher but there isnt anything i can do about it, so i just have to try extra hard to pass with at least a D so im done with foreign language and can still graduate Advanced Diploma. the week before school i totally just chilled. i chilled with katie a little, and we had a cookout, and i watched abby and jacob...but other than that i slept lol. which is like my new favorite hobby. so i already jumped head first into SCA at school, and we are collecting money and clothes for hurricane katrina victims. well my mom is on this local site that everyone posts the shit they are sick of for other people to come pick up for free. its like a free yardsale...and i posted on there asking for any clothes donations for the victims and i already got 3 houses to drive to this week and pick up their bags. all these houses are a little far away...and im a little afraid of gas, but its for a good cause. we already collected AT LEAST $50 for them...which isnt alot but i mean these are from high schoolers lol what do you expect...they arent putting their freaking SHOE money in there. but i just wanted to get clothes, because they are getting SO much money for helping out...but these people have nothing in the meantime so we are gonna help. so last night me and katie went and saw Exorcism of Emily that movie wasnt like SO scary that you had to scream...but it is truthfully freaky as hell. im Catholic, and i believe in all that to watch a movie about this possesion that really happened was awesome, but still scary. there was a couple parts though that were a little much, and you had to stare with your mouth open for a second to realize what just happend. but it was a good movie. so katie isnt moving in. :-/ yeah her dad was looking at a house right across the street, and it looked great from the outside((we looked in all the windows)), but i guess when they went in and saw the inside today, it looked really bad. and its fine...i never trully believed they were gonna move in anyways...but it was fun to think about. im glad he didnt make a bad investment though cuz buying a house is a big deal so...and $350,000 is alot of money, it aint a joke. my dad was a little dissapointed though, it was kindda cute and sad at the same time lol cuz he thought he was finally gonna get a good friend on our street. but now idk whats gonna happen about us moving, i guess all that will come after we change our name. alright well...i got to do laundry yay...and my damn eyebrows lol <3Marcia
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so my first day of school was good. i met this new girl who moved from florida and shes totally cool, so thats good. all my teachers are great, and my classes are good till 7th period where i am stuck with the WORSE teacher on this damn planet. yeah shes the only spanish3 i have no choice, damnit lol. and all this week im working with SCA and Key Club to collect money and clothes for Hurricane Katrina victims, thats gonna be cool. ok well thats all i have to say for now =) later
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ok so far this week ive done absolutly nothing but laundry...and i barely have any lol. tomorrow i gotta clean my room, and do some other stuff to make some $$. then thursday and friday i work at 6:00am, and im going to show this younger girl what to do and stuff because next week im going to the BEEEEEAAAAACCCCCCCHHHH =)=)=) and i need someone to watch ethan for me. i am SO excited about the beach. we have so much planned already and we arent leaving till sat. im sad though cuz im going alone but im totally content cuz i know im not gonna be bored. so far we are going to like this nascar place...and i actually get to like drive a race car, around the track at 100mph lol i am SO excited cuz i try to do that everyday lol but now itll be legal! we are also going to this ripleys aquarium where we get to see like retarted fish and stuff lol and then i get to go to dinner at this comedy place one night. im also going PARASALING!! thats what im most excited about! me and my mom are gonna go to a imposters show one night too lol where like wanna be cher and elvis are gonna sing =) lol YES! ugh there is alot more but i cant remember. we also have 3 full days for the beach =). the place we are staying at is a condo in a country club. itll be cool. im gonna take like a billion pictures =) when i come back ill be home for a week and then im probally going to OBX with shellie. =) thats cool cuz ill get to go to the beach like EVERY day lol. so yeah thats totally cool. im not 100% sure im going yet but i hope i am. im also helping shellie move into her new apartment the day before we leave. they finally got their own, and i got a pickup truck so im gonna help move their shit. alright well i gotta go do nothing some more.
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friday: i went to work ((way to early as usual)) and got off about 12 with my $120 i made =). then i went to michaels and bought iron on letters and a kick ass pink fabric pen for my RF shirt for the concert. well needless to say i spent WAAAY to much so i called katie and was like wtf...that was expensive. so then i took a trip to southbridge and went to walmart cuz she said they had what i needed for alot cheaper lol but i didnt buy anything there...i just shortened what i was gonna put on my shirt, and returned about $20 worth of stuff lol. so i came home, did my shit((which was kick ass by the way)), made my shirt and me and katie left at 6. the Rascal Flatts concert was at 8...and we went the back way. the pavillion it was at is about 45 min from my house, but we hit traffic about 30 min into the trip so we were going slow enough for people to jump out and like go to the bathroom lol and then get back in their cars. we missed the first opener ((shelly fairchild)) which i was a little sad, but not enough...and when we finally got there we walked up like a billion stairs before we realized that we didnt have to that was sad. Blake Shelton was #2 opener and he was awesome. i didnt even know i liked him till this concert. then rascal flatts came on and i was blown away. i love them so much, and i was so happy i got tickets =) this show was marked the largest show ever to hit Nissan that was great. the lawn was like OVERLY stuffed and it was fantastic. they sang my 2 FAVORITE songs so i was content lol. then it ended about 11:15ish after they left the stage and came back for an oncore with Shelly Fairchild, and Blake Shelton and they sang 'born in the USA'...and Gary the lead singer was wearing a Nationals jersey so that was great =) we got into the parking lot and didnt even THINK about moving for a whole hour. it was shoved in the parking lot, and people were being INSANE. we were just singing and watching people almost get hit, and all the drunks trying to fine their cars. we finally got out about 45 min after and hit some traffic on the way out. we got home about 2:30 in the morning and just passed out. saturday: sat. we woke up in the afternoon and we just got some food, and cleaned out writing off Katies windows. then she left and i played with my nephew. then rachel came, and me and stephen went home with them. we didnt really do anything ((and i missed a baseball game with Katie and Kelly for that shit lol)) and just went to bed. sunday: chilled with jason and the kids...thats it lol monday: i didnt have to work so i babysat stephen. i took him ((after sleeping in)) to see the March of the Penguin....and shockingly it was good. i love discovery channel and stuff so it was cool. not like in a nerdy way, but i was totally interested lol. my brother is a discovery channel LOSER like he watched it all the time so i promised i would take him. then last night shellie called and was in town, so i told her to come over. we just talked all night cuz its been a while. then we went to bed real late. today: we woke up late, and my dad was home so me and shellie went and got my truck inspected. lol i didnt know what to do and everone there laughed at me because i said it outloud. we got out ((which i guess you are supposed to wait IN your car)) and the guy was like "...can i help you??" and i was like "yeah, i need an inspection...but i dont know what to do". it was great cuz all the old guys were laughing at me =( lol. but yeah then we went and got some lunch, and headed to P&D nails. i got a manicure, and she got a full set for her senior pictures. then we got DQ lol...yeah. when we got home we finished I Robot, and then we went to her uncles hour and went swimming. --------------------- well i gotta work the rest of the week. then on thurday im driving shellie to get her senior pictures taken. i got invited to go to OBX with them the last week of August and im SOO excited cuz that means another week at the beach. but they are going with this real bitchy girl that everyone ((including her)) knows i but i dont have a problem being a bitch back, so thats good lol. the only stuff that worries me, is we get back only 3 days before school starts ((oh HELL!! i dont wanna!!!)) and that the lady i babysit for will have to find someone else for ANOTHER week. so yeah, that could be a small issue school shopping wise, but what the hell. i think my parents will say yes just cuz they dont have to pay for anything. cuz im gonna save the hell out of all my money from now on. ill make about 90$$ this week and thats ALL going into my bank account, because i spent almost ALL my $120 i made on friday. how bad does that suck. so tonight im watching real world ((yes)) and then passing out...cuz work starts at 6am.
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ok so like i said i got a job working with a 10 month old. ive always babysat so i was like...oh im totally cool. i make about 25$ a day and im good but OMG waking up at 6:00 is HARD CORE shit lol. i didnt even wake up that early for school and i am dying. im SO tired...but tomorrow is the last day till tuesday so thats cool. tomorrow i have to work till about 12, and then i have to go out and get some stuff for a t-shirt to wear to the rascal flatts concert. this is probally the only show i get all summer lol cuz im BROKE...and the money im making with the job is probally going to be spent as it comes in lol cuz im retarted. i have to admit though, im not that dissapointed about missing warped tour this year. i still might go...idk, but katie is going to be gone so...but there arent THAT many bands i want to see there. i wish i could take a nap before the concert lol so i dont like pass out...but thats not gonna happen. i can only hope that ethan ((the kid i watch)) can take a nap like he did today. i got about an hour of half sleep today...the other half was making sure he was still asleep lol. alright so i gotta go pass out. later
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so yesterday i got my license. i went to katies house and picked her up then we drove around all day. we went to lunch at red robin ((it was SO good...but freaking expensive for our broke asses)). then we went and did some shopping. i actually bought 2 CDs for the first time in like 2 years. i download music, and never have money so i took full advantage of this gift card i had since christmas lol. i bought Josh Gracin, and the new All American Rejects...which is good =). then we went and saw Bad News Bears. it was cute, but wasnt the best ever. the little kids were cussing up a storm lol so i dont recommend it for younger children. then today katie got HER license so she came and picked me up, and we ran some errands for her dad. we went to home depot and got like 6 bags of 45 POUND bags of salt lol ((which he made US carry all the way from the house, into the basement)) so i officially have abs lol. then we went grocery shopping, and then it was off for us. we drove around, and picked up Juan. then we went to the mall for a while and drove around alot. then we went to dinner at Silver Diner after like 3 hours of deliberating lol...but it was good. so im SO full, and SO tired. tomorrow i have to clean my truck...that i have to drive till the end of the summer =( i have to say i was pretty bummed yesterday when i looked outside and there was no car for me. even though my parents TOLD me i wasnt going to have it the day i get my license, i hyped myself up thinking may b they were lying to suprise me...but nope there was no car. but im not totally crushed cuz at least im getting one...and im not paying for it so its all i have a truck to drive till then so im good. ok so i got a job...5$ an hour to watch an infant. ill work about 5 hours a day. this week i get 4 days so thats an easy 100$. the lady said usually she will only need me 3 days, but thats better because that means i can make $75 watching her kid, then $30 watching my brother. so im pretty much good for a while with the money thing =)
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ok so yesterday i got brand new puppies ((as you would know if you read my last entry)) so i have played with them alot lol. and last night me, katie, and diego went and saw charlie and the chocolate factory. HORRIBLE. its an insult to the original if you ask me, which happens to be one of my favorite movies. so today i got the new harry potter book, stuff has been happening so i havent even finished the first chapter but i still have pleanty of time to read tonight lol. but me being retarted pulled out my nose ring to clean it, cuz its a little infected...and i couldnt get it back in. so we tried for like an hour, and now my nose is very swollen, and bloody, and just not fun so i have to go back to the place and get the guy to put the ring back in. i have this ugly gold stud in tape on it cuz my mom couldnt get the back on...she almost lost it in my BRAIN like 3 times lol. and the last time ((this is gross)) it got stuck in there and i was laughing so hard that i almost sucked it up lol so i had to like blow my nose in my moms hand. it sounds nasty but it was hilarious. we both were rollin on the floor before it was over we gave up. well now that that is over, im out... LATER
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so my parents said they had to go out earlier today to 'look at something' and i REALLY thought they were going to look at cars, so i was looking out the door like every 5 min. then i heard them come home so i got up and acted like i was doing something lol and i heard my dad say "dont freak out" to my brother and i kow RIGHT AWAY that he got an animal. i walked out my door and he was holding this tiny brown and black puppy and i was like "OMG AWWW HES SOOO CUTE" and as im walking over there i see my mom step out with ANOTHER one. they are sooo cute. they are both girls, one for me and one for my brother. i automatically took to the one my mom was holding cuz it had blue eyes. they are german shepard((our family has had 2 before and they are the BEST dogs)) mixed with husky snow dogs, which is why mine has blue eyes. they are the cutest things EVER. i will definatly post pics later this weekend =)
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7 days =) in one week ((from tomorrow)) i will be driving. im not exactly sure yet why im this excited, cuz i know im gonna get it and just stare at it for a while wondering what to do...but it will be great. i AM pissed though that katie might not be getting her license that weekend, DEFINATLY not as pissed as her, but it sucks cuz weve been planning that weekend for 179 days lol. itll be ok though. she was over for the last 2 days and we just chilled, there isnt much to do around here. we did watch brat camp...that was good lol. thats perhaps my new favorite show ((after hells kitchen of course)). well im watching home alone so i definatly have to go lay down...but perhaps the next entry will be more exciting.
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ok so the 'oh hell' is definatly for the fact that one of my favorite artists ((aka john mayer)) has started a band. now i bet this band is good, no doubt, because john mayer is kick ass...but i LOVE him by himself. thats what made him so special is he was kick ass ALONE...hes waaay better by himself...and this makes me sad. just him and his guitar is all he needs, but now he adds a piano and drums and calls it the 'John Mayer Trio' :-( so today was good. i woke up and ate breakfast ((no carbs)), and then me and my brother did some cleaning....ya know lol. then we went outside. i tanned ((YES! it worked lol)) and my brother swam in out mini pool we bought this weekend. then we came inside and i made lunch, like a good babysitter lol ((which i had NO carbs again)) and watched the hot it was good today,no fighting and i made $15. of course for dinner i had carbs but i drank pleanty of water so i think im goodf. tomorrow night katie is probally gonna come over, and im gonna tan some more tomorrow lol in preperation for the beach =) which isnt that long away! so only 10 more days and i have my licence!!!!!! i am so freaking excited, seriously. i dont know when im getting my car, which kindda makes me sad, but at least im getting one. i do think my parents are doing something behind my back though, and thats good lol =) so im off to read the 5th harry potter book for the second time ((lol how dorky is THAT!?)) but im getting ready for the 6th one that comes out on sat. =) im excited, new adventures to read lol
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ok so katie IMed me and was just like lets go see a movie lol regular routine for a friday. we were gonna go see Fantastic 4, but of course since all of VA was at the movie theater it was sold out like 2 hours ahead lol so then we bought tickets for Dark Water. so me and katie went into the mall and just walked around, look at alot of shit in spencers and laughed at everything...and there was this guy blowing air out of this thing, i dont even know what it is lol but he did it and this big GUSH of air hit the side of my head, and i thought this guy behind me hit my head with something so i turned around and i was like "do we know him?", and then it hit katie on her face and she thought i blew on her lol then we both looked over and saw the guy and i was like "OHHH" really loud lol good times. so then we just walked the mall looking at shoes and we were like HEY lets call Juan, so we did and he came, and couldnt get a ticket for Dark Water so we were gonna sneak him in, then just decided to screw a movie and went to eat at Arbies lol. JUAN the physcho wanted to walk like 2 miles to get McDonalds...i was like NO mcdonals is NOT worth all if we were going to Red Lobster i would JoG there lol and they laughed at me for like 5 years, cuz i dont jog...ever. so then me, katie, juan, and her dad crammed into her beautiful new car and went to boarders lol...that was good. we just looked at CDs and old women stretched out in the chairs like it was their house. i was being rather loud and i was like...i think im too loud for this store and this RANDOM ass guy was like "welp this aint a library" so yeah he was cool lol. then we listened to this live jazz band, did some "swing dancing" and looked at magazines lol...and we made fun of this gangster guy but i got scared cuz he could hear me ((im not a good whisperer)) so i stopped cuz i could have gotten shot. so yeah...that was my night. very eventful...probally more than it seemed lol. it was fun for a night where we didnt do a DAMN thing lol NEXT WEEKEND is the last weekend we need a ride to the mall =) then we can BOTH drive i am SOOOO freakin excited...cuz without a license around here you have nothing to do, so this is a very good thing for us lol...definatly. now i just have to save gas money. but i only have 2 weeks lol. i just counted my VERY LITTLE pile of change and money, and i only have 19$ lol how sad is that...and there is only like 30$ on my ATM card and i cant even touch that cuz its being used to fees cuz i dont have the limit on there =(...but ill figure that out in 2 weeks lol
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