how come i can never think of a title??

Listening to: goo goo dolls_ name
Feeling: blind
um so yesterday me, eileen, kat, jamie nd sherrrry went to fridaiis_ cuz jamie was leaving fer philly {{ sherry thought it was in europe}} haha i love her shes crazii. + dinner was funn. but i had to go to sleep early// well 12ish cuz i have to get up at 8 fer the nextt 6 days.. joyyy. ccd. blahh lol. but im x.cited fer it tomrrow cuz after the class is over me nd a bunch of people are going to vT_ w0ot w0ot*. so ne wayy todaii i went to ccd, then me ash nd jen went to sixx flags.. it suxed cuz the lines were literaly two hours fer every single ridee_ even the kiddie ones {{ we tried to get on them}} haha -so since the lines were so long we spent like 4 hours walking aorund, looking fer hott guyz, eating, talking, nd watching the caraciture people draww. then me nd ashlee went back to her house nd played sims nd stuff cuz were cool liike thatt// then me ashlee nd sam went to see anchorman! best movie ever!! it was soo soo funny xP. plus eileen got a diaryy_ yayyyyyyyyy. o nd kat grace nd jen are leaving soon nd jamie is gone nd julia nd everyone at camp are gone nd its guna be so lonely_ ahh. well laterr. lEx* {{ editttt }} My inner child is sixteen years old today

My inner child is sixteen years old!

Life's not fair! It's never been fair, but while
adults might just accept that, I know
something's gotta change. And it's gonna
change, just as soon as I become an adult and
get some power of my own.

How Old is Your Inner Child?
brought to you by Quizilla how can my innder child be 16 when im 13?? haha lEx*

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