{{*70*}}THANKSGIVING with sam n kat

Feeling: zealous
wow i havent updated in forever. these past 2 months have beenn awesomeee.. im on thanksgigving breaknow.. actually its thanksgiving, im at kaatz house nd im like craking up cuz shes insane.. shes talking in an english accent cuz she had a litto too much fake wine haha, so me nd sam are just laughing at her. im in a realli good moodd. so latley weve been going ta club soda a lot nd its realii funnn.. um nd i went to a lot of my swim meet _ i love my swim team. but yea i just wrote this so i can look back nd remmeber how much fun im having nd now happy i am.. weird i noe.. haha laterr lEx*
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i x3 youuu -eileen
Dont neglect your diary!!!! Lol
