7-23-05 was offically the best fucking night of summer. so crazii amazing so here comes the order of amazing-ness 1. we got there n met kat jamie josh zack n jake went to hawthore heights and STARTED A MOSH. n zack crowed surfed! yayay ahh we juped n screamed n went crazi hawthore heights was amazing.. 2. we got out. walked around.. looked at the line up.. saw brad and sean.. then saw tova sam n gord.. 3. everyone left except me kat tova gord sam but then me n kat lost them so we were alone n then i cant remeber exactly what happened i think we like saw jamie n molly and laura? n then we left them n like i dunt even know what happened between this time 4. at 3.30 my chemical romance played and me my baby katt , zack, jake and bradd went into the craziiness n pushed throguh and like it was INSANE like the worst one to be in hah everyone was pushing n i felll over but everyone there is amazing n if you fall like they pull you up within two seconds.. and like everyone around us was moshing n the guyz wanted me n kat to crowd surf but she didnt want me to leave her.. so zack n jake crowd sufred me n kat n brad partied it up in the insanenessss ahh 5. we sat next to the bishop stage n then all of a sudden the lead singer of my chem comes to the fence and i touched hiss hannd :).. n i got EXTREMLY amazing pics of his face so close up 6. me n gord went into the crowd of people to see starting line n then after a little we crowd surfed out!! ahhhh it was so so amazing and fun but i lost my camera with the amazing pics cuz it fell out of my pocket :( 7. i lost gordon n i was all alone but then sam kat n tova came n found me :).. n we walked around.. n looked at shirts 8. we met up with gord jake n zack n then sam n kat went to get shirts n me tova gordon jake n zack went to get food cuz we were STARVING. zack n jake ate mine n tovas food n it made me mad. 9. we walked back by the bishop stage n saw jamie (conner) molly n lauraa and sat with them through thrice and we saw this girl walk by with beer in her hand n then all of a sudden the cops like stop her like how old are you blahblahblah n they like got her in trouble cuz she was only 20 but then she didnt lie so they let her go.. n then we saw MORE people literally two seconds later get pulled out of the crowd by the same cops and they had like a joint n they busted thse people smoking weed n like they were seaching all the guyz like asses it was gross. nd me n jamie were like ahh fck cuz we reali wanted something :). 10. sences fail started n me jamie molly n laura walked into it n then we saw kat sam jamie n josh and we talked wit them til they were done playing n then we decided we wated ta get in there fer falloutboy so we started goin in more n me n jamie were trying to like push through people n they wouldnt like move.. so we were stuck in one spot fer a long time n then they started playingggg 11. i kept getting closer and closer like moving through people n like SO MANY PEOPLE were crowd surfing out cuz it was SO FCKING HOT LIKE SICK N DISCUSTING like more people than they have ever played that said.. it was so sticky and sweaty but SO FUN.. and so like i was so far ahead of all of them n i saw kat n i pulled her by me n then me n her like lost sam n jamie n we jus like jumped and sang n got so so squished and like the guyz from falloutboy came SO SO close to our side he was like on the side of the stage n i took an amazing pic on my fone of himmm.. but after a little me n kat wated to get out cuz we were so sweaty and disusting and like my bangs were wet it was so bad.. and everyone was like breaking our necks like crowd surfing so we got out.. i gg ill update later
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