I stole a smile

I never really paid that much attentend to her face, but she has a pretty smile. Its hard for me to accecpt that she is depressed. How can a person like her be depressed. Than again stupid people are to blame.....right. Well, I was coming in into the building, I was waiting for my cousin to come out b/c he had some problems with his chica, well anyway he didn't come, thats when I saw Ashely,(to be honest I wanted to talk 2 her anyway) I went up to her and we walked together, talking about what had happened yesturday. I had said something that made her smile, I turned and saw a smile, I never saw her smile a real smile before that made me feel good, at least I had more than a bit of her true enter self, if you know what I mean. Today was a boring day. My oso didnt come to school, he was sick. I felt a little down, but I managed to survive the day. I did have more time to talk to my friends though. They say that now that I have someone that I dont talk to them anymore. That is stupid. I dont forget my friends they are the best in the world, they might be a little strange, but I have time for my oso and my friends they are the things that I thank I have besides my family. If not for them I would have moved back. True friends can't be taken away. @}-
Read 5 comments
cute diary. I saw your comment on Ash's diary. I think your the girl who dates dean but im not sure. Anywho just wanted to say you have a cute diary.
yes i go to richmond..Umm 1st sem. C lunch i was the girl with kinda long brown hair hangin on james a lot.

Yup ashley is a great person. We dont talk like we use to but i still wish her the best in life.
Yea i got 4th with him. He's the only person that makes me feel welcomed. Nice guy, your a lucky girl.
Im startin to fall in love and its hard to let him go...ill be fine...
Thnx. I never knew my smile meant so much. Just a few people make me smile or even laugh now. I don't laugh at any jokes in 2nd block. But of course Tara Taylor makes me laugh my ass off. She's in my 3rd block. And the girl I was walking with today, Markie. To the parking lot. ttyl/bye PS I like talking to you.--