Bla, Bla, Blab

Went to school today, even though he wanted me to stay with him. I heard the alarm but I tured it off. We wake up around 7:15. I really didn't what to miss any more school so I told him to take me to school. I got to school and I saw Irene. A new Mexican gurl. She ok. We are planning to go out sometime this weekend. I will take her to Southern Pines. Anyway, I went to Mr. Baucom's room. Joe wasn't there so the class would be boring. But Alan was there so I had someone to joke around with. I listened to the teach* for a while and then I started to draw in my new sketch book. I started the first picture, at the end of the day there were five drawings. Funny. I got dropped off at his house. The weather was nice so we just sat at the front porch. I'm writing in my journal with his computer. I like his computer. Its nice. PCU looks wierd. He knows my history with computers so he is at my side watching what I do. LOL. I'm expecting two new movies that are coming out some time. "Kingdom of Heaven," and "War of the Worlds." I downloaded the trailers and they "look" good. I'm back in writing poems again. Some how I just got into it. The past months I was blank but now that I have "more" time I'm writing. Also I'm writing Mi Estoria. Blah, blah, blab. Damme mas gaslina.
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I didn't write that thingy in my diary. It's by the Cure. I can't write poems for shit. Hahaha.

Yours was good. I really liked it.
I'm at a very big blank. I haven't wrote a good poem in a while. It's good that you're starting to write again. Send me some of it.--