Otro Dia

I didn't go to school today. I had a hang over. Yesturday we had a brithday party for my sis. All the woman there were having some Barcardi others had tequila. It was good i had all. I was the one that was making the drinks and mixing them. hehehe i was good. Humm old friends were reunited and we all had a good time talking about all the things that was going on with us and todo. We also had some ppl from Cali to come over some that i didn't know they were my sis internet friends they were cool. I invited my ex from Oxnard, he came and we talked and had a good time tambien. His here with us today and he'll go back the same day as the others. I still haven't done my report for english and it really is getting on my nervse cause i have another one to do for a other class *thinking about the report Perro en otras palabras everything is going well for me. Luv ya
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