fire cracker

Listening to: lamb of god
Feeling: energetic
oh my friggin god!!! today was quite a day for me. after school today i went over to Bryans at bout 5:30 and he had baught a bunch of fire crackers.. the U.S kind.. the good ones. so we went into the forrest near his house and got one ready to light up. when he took 1 of the fire crackers out of the package, he ripped the wick off a bit but i thauhgt nothing of it.. thats untill i lit it up. i got got 2 steps then the thing blew not more than 2 feet away from my right side of my head. i got shell shock, and my right ear went deaf fer bout an hour, i could'nt hear anything at all.. i thaught it was kinda cool. i was just like.. "whoa.. that was sweeeet" i wanted to do more, but bryan was gettin scarred that someone would see us.. so we went back to his house and we watched the punisher.. which is an AWSOME movie!! and that was my day
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just thourt i would say hey,
well anywayz byezz amba xox