what really is the most dangerouse creature on earth?

when you ask someone "whats the most dangerouse crearture on this planet?" well you see, there many answers to that question. some will say sharks, others will say venemouse snakes. but the fact of the matter is we, humans are much more dangerouse than anyhting on this plannet. just think about it, over the years, human kind has done soo much horrible stuff, its just inamaginable. we have killed hundreds of species on animals, reptiles, ect... even made a few hundred of them either extinct, or endangered. we have created the art of war. some of us are savage killers. but not all of human kind are all bad, the few good ones, are the ones fighting for peace, trying to save the rainforests, which i myself hope to take part of one day. but its the kind of people who keep killing for fun, clothing. the ones who do the "little" things like littering. others who do more damage than the most powerful of nuclear bombs, the factories we make, releasing high amounts of polutants in to the air, killing not only wildlife, but us humans aswell. we are all slowly dieing from the air... belive it or not. but there is still time to correct the mistakes of the moronic imbisiles who are the cause of chaos in this one of a kind planet. so to u all, i say RISE UP AND TAKE ACTION!! the rewards will be more than you could ever amagin!
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