nothing to say

Feeling: bored
Bored at my grandparemts for my birthday what fun there soppose to take me out but im stuck here till my nene gets home then were off to the mall then the movies i think even tho i want to go with my friends tonight to see one and then i'll get home to late to do anything. Theres always tomrrow and you never know maybe kyle and steve will go to the movies with me tomrrow in the after noon or something hopefully they will or just kyle will. If you havent noticed me and kyle like each other but were not going out at least not yet.i took a love test thing dont ask why butit siad in 3 days kyle might ask me out lets hope so. Wait he could be reading this right now ohh well hey hunnie if you are. OOH yay my nene's home well catch you all later.
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