Its about time!!

Listening to: Your Mom
Feeling: hot
Well right now I"m sitting at home with my upmost favioratest friend Laura...haha she's my cousin. I just met her yesterday and I'm in total love with her! yess you heard...haha. She's so totally cute...TEHE..I'll take pics and put them on here! My cousins are down this weekend helping put in our new pool liner so that we can go swimming hehe...cant wait! SOoo Wednesday I went with Krysten to get her braces taken off...she looks great! she claims that she looks dumb but I love the way she looks!!! Thursday had softball games in Paola!! Alyssa and I actually talked was kinda weird. Kyle went to watch was kewl. I caught almost the whole time...i was nice and sweaty and stinky!! muhahah..My parents didnt come so I rode down there with Katie Jane Friggon Anderson!! YEPPEPRZ! It was fun.....we got our butts kicked the first game and kicked some major butt second game. Wellllllllll I'm going to go for now because I have yepp. I'll write back again another day! MUHAHAHHAHAHA...Bye |Tara| -------------------------------------------- Krysten Nicole Fowler I effing love you!!!!!! You are the greatest..and I dont care what you think you look like with your braces off I think you look awesome! So yeah POO on you! Katie~ Hey thanks for taking me to the games Thursday I totally appreciate it...your great! I LOVE YOU! tehe Shining Star~ I cant wait to hang out with you the shizz chika! I LOVE YOU! Brooke...yeah I LOVE YOU TOO! hehe Erica~ Dont be afraid to tell me anything...muahhaha Chris is a big peice anyways..I dont I LOVE YOU ! Britt~ I LOVE YOU TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BLOOP -------------------------------------------- Image hosted by ^^^^F.A.T's for ever!! I LOVE YOU KRYSTEN! ------------------------------------------ Okay so I'm back now! I figured I'd go ahead and update some more because I have a bunch of stuff to say now! Okay well I was talking to Chris earlier on AIM and at first he was being a brat to me and then told me that he still cared about me. Which blew me away...and he said that he missed me and so I asked him if that was true then why arent we together. And he said he didnt want to hurt me again. Well then everything was going good..and my Best Friend Krysten was trying to help me get over him and so she started a convo with him. I'm not exactly sure what was said between them but I dont think it was very good. because after that Chris came back and was chewin me out. He told me that he was about to ask me back out and try to have a good relationship again with me and that now he wasnt sure if he wanted to because he thinks I was saying crap. He said he'd just talk to me tomorrow after his baseball games in hopefully it goes over well! SO Tim wants to hang out that'll be kewl! He seems like an awesome guy..from what I know anyways! Krysten I just want to let you know that I am NOT mad at you at all..I totally understand you were just trying to help me and protect me from getting hurt again. And I am so thankful to have you as my best friend. If I didnt have you I think I'd be almost drowned...from all my tears. But you let me cry on your shoulder whenever I want and need to so I dont have those kinda problems. I just hope you know that you mean everything to me. I know you dont see how much he means to me because all you see is him treating me wrong..but its soo totally different when I'm with him. I just hope you understand what Im trying to tell you...seriously. You are my best friend krysten and I dont want to lose that over Chris! SO yeah I think thats really all I have to say now....I need to get back to chatting with Tim on AIM!! Goodnight
Read 11 comments
i pretty much love you to death. thanks for everything. and i hope i go to your next games..and i hope we do something sometime soon! i love you babe..

xoxo, ash.
I'm so upset with you. You didn't even put me in your shout outs. YOU SUCK! Hell yeah I'll come and swim with ya! You know I loooooove to swim! Hope you have fun with your new pool and cousins. Love ya babe.

hey, Whats up?? You know what I heard.. I guess that Scott told Emily that he likes you and you like him and everything.. whats up with that?? :P.. that would be cool if you two I got together.. of course.. if thats what you want.. well I was just wondrin.. later
Hey babe! I cant believe you put that pic on there.. sheesh!!! hehe i loooove you!! your the best.

Your F.A.T.
Hello, Ms Tara!
How is the internet treating you?! Did you enjoy my email? I sent you as many of my poems as I could find. I hope you didn't barf after reading the first one. :P Well, I sure am glad your having fun with your cousins. THey sure sound helpful, and hooray for swimming! Awww, the both of you are so cute. :) Take care Ms. Tara!

Dum, dum, dum, dumm... Sh-chloop!

Its been great the last few days getting to know you more. Oh and ur a friggon awesome catcher for realz.

Tara i never said i didnt like you. and im sure katie doesnt dislike you either. whats goin on with you two?

your my best friend tara why would i not like you? im just frustrated because i always gotta watch my friends go through hell and get hurt.. and you wont see that and TRY to prevent yourself from getting hurt. but i guess all i can do now is when you DO get hurt.. ill be here.

hopefully still your F.A.T.
Awww Tara... Just to think I could be adding to the mess that you always have to deal with...Makes me sad. Im sorry, just about everything.

whats she mad at you for???
wait nevermind i didnt see the comment that explained it.. yeah well umm.. i guess i can understand she might be a little upset but i dont think katie is one to let it interfere with your guys' relationship... i think anyways
