it's may already! time really seems to fly by faster each year. any of you have that happen, too?
we're now in the new place and have been for a few weeks. i absolutely love it here; it feels like home. i'll have to take pictures when everything is settled in - including my bloody camera, which, for the life of me, i can't seem to locate.
the inside is pretty well finished, except for two things: the bathroom - we're apparently getting marble floors and an entirely new sink/vanity, brilliant!; and the roof (deck), which, i'm told, will be completely finished within a week or two (or, if something comes up, by the first week in june at the latest). then it's tiki-time! (=
apart from unpacking and sorting all of our junk-piles (goodwill loves me right now) and dealing with the mound of dishes we've managed to accumulate, it's nice to be able to relax a bit. when linus isn't running round like a decapitated fowl, he's plunked down on the couch, in a sunbeam on the floor, or on the nearest window-sill.
one of my favourite things about this new place is my ability to turn our kitchen into a '50s-style diner. at least, of the 'inspired-by' sort. once everything is put away in there and i can finish decorating, it's going to be really cool - even down to the curtains!
the extra bedroom remains thus far a storage room. we're able to fit BOTH kitchen sets (the glass one and my chrome 'diner' set) in the kitchen, and we have too many boxes &c in the spare room to be able to do much with it. i don't mind, though - it's sooo nice to have all this extra room, and keeping things in there guarantees that i don't have to constantly look at it like i did in the old place. if i manage to condense and clear out enough, it might change; if not, that's perfectly swell, too.
my birthday was a total blast, from start to finish. we had more fun than we could remember - and who says family can't rock?! i even got to sing with the band that night!, and i kicked ass on the tambourine. some friends showed up, too, and we danced our bums off! it was an absolutely fabulous night.
the whole week that followed was great, and we went out with our friend brad on that next saturday, which was a lot of fun, too. (= (if he remembers it, hah)
as for today, work was cancelled, so i get a bit of free-time. i have a lot of things to get done, so it worked out well. (= i suppose i should 'get crackin',' though, or i'll still be running errands 'til midnight!
have a great day and weekend, everyone!
life's too short to be spent looking down! (=