my mom doesnt want me to have the baby & she said to Robin, my cousin, "You should adopt amys baby & Bryan so they have a good mom & dad" then told me after & i said that it would mean Jason would have to sign his rights over too & he wants the baby there is no way hes gonna sign his rights over & she goes "if we pay him enough he will"
i'm havin my baby in April, i'm stayin here till then, insurance and everything... but the second i have this baby, i'm not even comin home, Jason will come over wile i'm at the hossy, get my shit, and i'm gone, i wont even bring the baby home *as in here*
my mom is upset wit me cuz i wont talk 2 her or even aknollege the fact shes trying to get my attention
she shoved adoption down my throat so hard wile i was preg wit Bryan i started sleeping with a gun uner my pillow thinking that she was gonna come take my baby from me wile i was sleeing (this is wile i was pregnant) i thought she was literally gonna come, hit me in the head, gut me & take my baby
she doesnt want me having kids period, i'm "too young"
i wouldnt even be concidering getting my tubes tied if it wasnt 4 her!!
i mean i understand if my mother said once "You know you have several choises" thats i would understand, ONCE, but she did it everyday 50 times a day
its not fair
they are more worried about what everybody thinks then how i feel... they dont give a damn about me and my dad even said taht to me "i dont give a damn about her i only care about Bryan" i overheard that around 4:30ish today
They only care about Bryan cuz "i'm a bad mom" because i dont spend every waking moment with him, because i prefer to despoil my kid b4 it gets worse, because i'm a little harsher then theyd like me to be, because when i get frustrated & stressed instead of hitting him i put him in his room & go outside, smoke a ciggie, then i go back to dealing with him... i take that 10 minute break & its automatically "neglect" its better then being "abusive"
and i swore nothing could ruin my day 2day, i swear i musta had the best sex of my life last night & i was glowin and glowin... shit it even stoped my sex dreams!!!! i went to bed last night... nothing... nap b4 all this started... nothing... when all this started i took a nap again... sex dream!!! i'm gettin annoyed wit 'em i think s/hes doing it for a reason!!
She just said now "next time if ur gonna get all hot and bothered by something somebdoy said to me i'm not going to tell you" i said "its not what she said its what YOU said, and you think i'm such a horrid mother remember mother, i learned from the best!"
i'm out of here as soon as this babys born and she will NEVER see us again (us=me, jay, bry, this baby)
She says she was a good mom? She never put me thru any pain or sorrow or did anything that wasnt "good" for me
i'm so pissed... i had 2 remind her that she stuck me in a school for 3 years where i had to hear "mrs woodbury is a bitch and a whore" and stuff like that... i had to deal with "your that bitch's daughter aint ya?" and all that shit... cuz she not only dragged me out of the middle school i was suppose 2 go 2 to go 2 the 1 she teached at she had to teach wile off her meds & in the same school district, so either way people from middle would have seen me in high... i lived with the teasing and the harassment and abuse from all the kids for not just 3 years but 7 years... yeah that musta done me lots of good
The thing is... My parents only give a damn about what other people think about them & me... Well geeze heres a news flash i'm a person too and they really need to start thinking about what i want and how i feel!!!
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