Listening to: Jurassic 5
here's my life right now
1.sleep until noon, wake up.
2.Do random chores that my parents asked my brother to do but he never does them
3. do the chores my parents asked me to do
4. try to make plans for the night
5. getting ditched of those plans for the night
6. write more of the story i;m working on (see previous post)
7. go to bed, start at #1.
I'm sick of sitting around doing nothing...people tell me to go out and do something with someone but whenever i make plans to do that i get ditched (ex: everytime i try to do something with Megan she has an excuse to not do something, Emily "lost" my number, many others.)
Why the hell am i always the kid everyone knows and likes but never gets invited to anything, who never gets to hang out with the people i want to hang out with...told by everyone that i deserve a great girl, but the great girl i want doesn't want me...FUCK THE WORLD, Humans are assholes.
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