Hey kids,
Sorry I haven't written in a while. I worked this weekend. Pretty much bordom city, except when I talk to some of the people that work there. Edgar is funny, Jed sings alot and loudly, Amber is my buddy and I love her, Caylin is my sis so working with her is just like any other day, Trevor is funny and sweet, Derick(who many dislike and think is an asshole) is funny as well, Mandy can be funny sometimes but is very rarely, andpretty much everybody agrees that Igor is just lazy. However, not everybody is just peachy. Maria and I are friends outside of the work place, but there she one of the biggest hypocrites I have ever met in my LIFE. I love her to death, but it gets a bit much when I work with her. Also Dustin likes me :( !!!!! I didn't even know I flirted with him! He didn't know my name until what Thursday, and now he likes me because... what Derick he and I had a stupid dough fight? What the hell is that crap?! I obviously have a problem with boys. Amber likes him, but he likes me.
Because i didn't want the same thing to happen with her that happened with Nicole and Stephen, I talked to her yesturday at work. She said it wasn't my fault, but i know she was hurting. I feel really bad, and it isn't even like i like this guy. I mean he is a nice guy and all, but he just isn't my type! If I were going to date anybody at that place it would probaly be Trevor. He is sweet and hysterical and seems to have a thing for torturing me while I am trying to get my work done.Oh yeah its great*she states lauging sarcastically*!
I feel really bad, I it isn't lie anything would ever happen between me and Dustin. Amber also told me he likes my ass. Wow awkward moment there! Yesturday I speant all the time I could with my ass up against the counter out of view. I just thought that was the very first time anyone has ever liked my ass. Kinda wierd, never really thought of it that way, it ain't like its the perfect ass, its just a big ass, get over it.
Anyway, Katie starts work on Wednesday. Caylin won't be there to help her get settled, but i think Amber is. I feel bad though, I had a couple people there for me, as did Caylin. She gets us both on Friday though, so that won't be too bad, busy but not terrible. I am going to try and get her to work for me on either Saturday or Sunday, which ever day we decide to go to the Renaissance Festival. I LOVE that place!!! It is AMAZING!!! I love my Stoner Bear!!
Kerstin, your deficient friend(when it comes to boys)!
PS: please FIX me! I need some major HELP, probably psycological! SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!
Love, Amber