The under world

Everyone has a place to go Me? I go to the under world. Where no one goes, everything is my own. Everyone has there own world but this is mine. A darkness of time that depends on life. Just to keep everything going. The river of blood that flows like my tears that fall as fast as the speed of light. The ground is warm but the air is cold. Not such as ice but cold enough to see my breath. It can be handled until time runs threw the clock. That tells you when you have to come back, back to a place called earth. Everyone has there time. My time is coming quick. So quick that it might knock me to a place i never wanna see. The pain doesn't compete with the broken heart of the little girl who wants a friend or someone to like her. Everybody needs someone. But only this has no one and that little me! I sit at this diary with nothing but myself in my under world. If you are invited then come in, or if not then leave me, leave me in my place i call the under world.
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