I Hate People

Feeling: placid
I seriously HATE people. Today was one of the worst days I've had. I realized 7th pd that someone stole $20 from my purse! omg! WTF! Why do u feel the need to take my money. I need just as much as you do. I was seriously trying so hard not to cry. I was more pissed then anything. 8th pd I searched my gym locker just in case. Thats when I realized that it had to have been taken during track practice. I only left it unattended while I was changing. Or someone (since everyone was outside that day) took while we were practicing. So I kept all my jewelry on today and went and locked my purse in the trunk of my car. I'm usually so good about locking things up. I always lock my purse up during gym or practice. I never leave my purse alone anywhere. UGH!! I wish I knew who it was so I could kick them and steal whatever they have.(Not really) But I want something from them to be taken, just so they know how it feels. Jerks!!!!
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People are jerks!!
aww! thats terrible!! im sorry that happened to you! i hope things get better!!
best wishes,