(.12)Officially in Love?

Feeling: curious
here's the letter i was talking about in my highfire account: Mehself, I am officially in love! Since meh + dad got into a fight about Chris, or Baby Pink, and dad said that he didn't care about meh, and he wouldn't call meh... (he does + he did!!! so BOOYAH! see how much he knows) it only made meh like him more, even from our "BFF" status. Now we like each other, and Gordon wonders why I cant go out with him. {or rather why were not going out} He's my BFF. I cant do that and ruin our friendship. No way. Or could I? I would picture myself in the future, wondering that if I would have gone with him, what would have happened. Where would I be? Would we still be together? It's something that confuses meh often. I can't help but think of it. Would it seem right if I dated a gothic boy? Would it even LOOK right? I miss him. Help meh choose my destiny. And don't say it's puppy love until I know in my heart it is. Love, The Thoughtful Meh.
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yay your in love and i dont know you but that is ok. But yay your in love
you should go for it.....