I just don't know

Feeling: undecided
I really don't know how i feel right now. i'm broken in two about something. i haven't been into the whole dating game for about a year and i met this girl that i really like and part of me says that i should try to start something with her and part of me says that she's too good for me and that i shouldn't waste her time. i haven't really ever felt like this. I really do think that she is too good for me but i think that if she likes me then i wouldn't be wasting her time. so i really don't know how i feel about anything right now... well no, i am tired but that's about it. we had a really good time tonight and i got to take her put put golfing for the first time in her life which i thought was wierd. i told her to go home and yell at her mom for not taking her when she was young. I just feel like there's no way that i could be good enough for this girl. i mean the only thing that i can honestly say that i have to offer is that i'm a nice guy and i play piano which can only get me so far. that and of course i offer myself but i just don't know. i haven't felt anything but happy for a long long long long time and now this. i've never been in a bad mood in my life and i can't stand not being happy but right now i just don't know what to think of myself or anything. ontop of that the lyrics of every song on this deathcab cd make me wanna cry. they just hit every part of my life. I really don't know what to say about it anymore. well last thursday at church we rocked the house. i was feeling the music. i was jumping around like an idiot the whole time and i almost hit our singer in the head with my bass. it went really well and whatnot. Well thanks for caring enough to read this i guess and if you haven't seen the pics in my last entry then get on the ball man. if your a girl then i think you'll really like the last pictures and whatnot. sorry if i haven't talked to anyone in a while but i haven't been able to get onto my comp for some reason and right now i'm at my friends house so. thanks for reading. Lates *I need you so much closer*-deathcab you can't stop that
Read 14 comments
tell her how u feel. thats all i have to say

you miss the night?! poor thing. i had a great night too. but not do great i feel like crying cuz its over. wow you must have really had fun

yes, that is me in my pic. i hear that i do have 'cute' hair but no one ever tells me that in person, ill be standing there waiting for a ride and ill hear someone off to the side talking about it. by the end of tonight? i have one of their songs on my comp, i dont know how it got there though. I hope your having a great night.
heyhey.. yah totally add me.. and yes its me in the picture.. im thinkning of contacts.. i kno.. it would be a sin. haha
hey.. how do you get pictures in the entry? comment back.. thanks!
-- sarah
uhh.. she like you, if she didnt like you then why did she go put putting with you, rigth?..well dont feel sad.. it just a girl that likes you ..obviously.. ur just felling rusty.. cuz u havent had some one in a while..OMG .. did you see stefans hair they amde me cut his hair!! it grand though!!.. theres picture.. well hope you feel better
so tell me what u want what u really really want.. I wanna i wanna I wanna rape yard gnomes in vermont... does that make me a bad person?
your band is some great stuff.
You will figure it out, just keep playing the piano ^_^

When i feel like crap i just play the piano and i seem to forget about everyhitng... and i get better at it ^_^, well good luck, and goodnight!


If you need someone to talk to, im here, lol.
i say go for it.

i havent talked to you in a while... just saying hello.

and oh yes- the pictures- sexy beasts!



you have alot more balls than i do... literally and figuratively. heh. seriously though... i can barely string two words together when im with this kid named ryan. no... i can- but im not acting like myself.

guest are here- i must fly.


s/n on AIM: xxdork1016xx yahoo: newfoundglorie912
paino ? wtf?
i can't see the pictures.... :(