thank you very very much

Listening to: supersize me
Feeling: melancholy
who ever left this to sum it up... batman rocks. giving yourself own haircuts that turn out rocks. death cab rocks. YOU rock. NO WAY!!! you rock way more than i can ever. thank you very very much and i think i love you LATER!!!!
Read 19 comments
the postal service is AWESOME.
i have recently been acquainted with death cab.
i have few objections

heh.... think it's about time to update????
thank you.!.
death cab most certainly DOES rock
i used to be [madeforsilver], but i got bored with it, so then came [catherine]. my aim is snailmug.
my old name is on your friends list. intriguing..

i think i am in love with your background. as well as your choice in music. you rock.

yep it's mah belly. thanks.

I love your hummingbirds. :)
yeah my sn is outrageous4789
hey =) cool diary
Thank yew.

death cab kick ass.
lack of colour is the best.
- alex
I love your top left picture.

it's me again. :)

you're a pretty rad boy. where do you live?
my hair is black now.... =/. i guess it looks ok. i have to get used to it though, still. i meant to dye it dark brown but you know... anyways, LATER!!!!
I cut my own hair, and dyed it last week. It totally rocks.
well have fun. i'd like to give myself a hair cut but well...ive seen what i did to barbies so i dont really trust myself and my hair is long so it would take forever and id get bored and end up with like 1/4 of my hair cut. i dont even trust professional people because they never get it how i want it. i mean why do they have those little books with pictures if they cant replicate?!?

peace out homie...yea....
yeah really... like i said. you need to update, dear.
where did you run off to?
The picture that I took is yeWr header.
I feel special!
