girl pants on the menu?

Listening to: explosions in the sky
Feeling: bootylicious
ok so i just woke up and i have to go somewhere with a friend today to pass out flyers for this show that we are putting on for our church and i realized that i only have like 2 pairs of girl pants left. i gave one pair to my friend because i ripped them which was really funny but i don't know what happend to my other ones. so i think it's about time to go shopping for more cause i'm kinda out and the ones that i have on right now feel tighter than ever. i think that means i'm getting fat. lol man that sucks. i don't really care about getting fat it's just now i have to buy more pants. oh well so how is everyone? man i woke up to postal service this morning and i feel great. i'm still tired but i feel great. well i haven't really been up to much. i figured out that girls stink accept for maybe a few that i know. oh yeah!! my youth pastor thinks that i'm turning gay because i wear girls pants. i told her they're just pants that are a little bit tighter a lower than guys pants and that's not even the case anymore cause guys pants are getting just about the sameso i don't see what the big deal is. then i brought up all the rock bands that she used to listen to that wore girls pants or tight pants period like led zeplin i don't know how to spell that one but anyways this is what she said to that one because she couldn't think of anything else. "that's because he had a huge package." so i said what does his package have anything to do with anything? that has nothing to do with the matter at hand the fact is that he still wore them and you know and she said "well if you wanna turn gay then go ahead." so i told her i'm sorry i don't have a big enough package to wear these pants and she didn't say anything so i went on to rub it in her face and i was like "i'm not even sure if it's there at all!" "oh yeah it is but it's small and funny looking" and she just laughed and said "go ahead and wear them if you wanna look gay". it's ok though she's not being a jerk we just have that kind of relationship. she acts silly about stupid things but i still love her anyways. she just cares about me so i guess that's what it is. so anyways i think i'm gonna go put on some coffee and then go to my room and paint my wall some more so i'll update later. I LOVE YOU!!! LATER!
Read 58 comments
i'm addin you as my friend.. if that's ok with you?

kudos. hehe.
yeah i've heard of them, but i dont know many of their you like finch?
haha sorry that was me, i forgot to leave my name-cupcake6246
ello gawgeous...;) how are you??I miss talking to you!! you dont love me anymore....But Istill love you...<3

NO!!I LUB YOU MORE!!!<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3 hehehe but ya been gawgeous?

hey hey hey its lpbunny007..i love ur diary
[Anonymous] not sure. what would you like to make of this? we're already on each others friends lists.
well considering we probably live no where near each other and dont even really know each other yea i guess thats all we can do. but feel free to visit my diary whenever you'd like. :)
lol so i take it you like dashboard??? lol
They're only girlpants if theres a girl in 'em, if ya ask me. The Postal Service is fucking awesome, I love that song Sleeping In, but I still prefer Such Great Heights or We Looked Like Giants by Deat Cab.
my background pic is andrew from something corporate
where did you go to/????
aww i'll buy you some new not really hahah, but i love you too!.. lol...well ill se you saturday if you are gonna go and do the unitard thing hahaha!!!.. its gonna be pricelesss!!!!
yay! on nerd down and the rest of the world to go. boys at my school wear girl pants and they aer attractive. i told my mom that and she looked at me like i was from outer space. hello- she had eighties hair- shes got no right to talk.

ok good- now that we have the whores situation down, what are we going to need? i vote our official music is deathcab and ben kweller. how do you feel about that?
let me know.
yours nerdfully-
huh well then i guess we find each other attractive then.
45 coments dont you thing its time to update just a bit
heeeeey buddy! the one time i come on line youre not on. bummer huh!? oh well.. anyways.. thanks so much for your cool comments!!!! i love boys who wear girl pants. girl pants with lots of rips. with lots of grass and mud stains on them.. anywayyyyys.. yea so ill talk to you soon hopefully! xoxo!!
i like ur diary its hilarious ha ha well umm check out mine somtime ;)
the postal service makes me feel good too especially when i have to run @ practice and its stuck in my head.
i am marrying postal service.

if that's possible.
hey, i take it you're also a deathcab fan. do they have any other CDs besides the transatlaticism one?
O_o maddie
hwy are you in austin?.. man im in school right now it sooo freaking boring!...geeze well at least ur haveing fun in austin right?.. it really nice at night you can see more f the sky out there.. ive been out there it sooo nice!
Hey this is a pretty cool diari and death cab is awsome.. so is postal service man good shit!
hey death cab for cutie rox i really luv their new cd! u? postal service rox too.
hey death cab for cutie rox i really luv their new cd! u? postal service rox too.
hahahaha nerd! yes i bet the pants with the hole in the butt are fabulous. you must be one stylish nerd. in might have to kick you out of the club! go buy a weezer shirt or something! hahaha. well i have to go put cream on my sunburn. i was at a water park with my whole class as a last day thing. all like 300 of us. some people were NOT appropriately dressed i must say! but there was a boy in girl pants! you would be proud.
hey your hair is cool yah thought it let ya know
I miss you Juice! havent seen you in like weeks hahaha. cant wait till your home again so we can play!

yea tre' we deffinatley need to hit up the thrift store or something! i need pants too. hmmmmmm today is tuesday and the thrift store restocks today, i think i may go, call you when i wake up!hopefully michaels dad isnt being gay so we can jam too!

ok ill check it out.<3
girl pants ROCK!!! wh00t. hehe im good. like a fat kid loves cake. oh yea. one fer me. dood. im feel stupid. hehe. how you doin? i gotta go now. i stink and need cleaning.
ok i just finished listening to them. do they have any lyrics in there music???i heard the instruments.pretty good.<3
can i add you to my friends list?you seem pretty kool.
Well thx u then.. for the complement
hey thanks i like your background too. the postal service is awesome. girls pants? i actually find guys who wear a little bit tighter pants more attractive. im not big on the whole pants around the knees and could fit five people in them. its very tacky.
hey yeah every1 says that about my thing!!!
but i am putting u on my list!!!
where are u from????
well all i have to say is guys in chic pants are the greatest!!!!!!!!!!!luv ya
well thank you
mmm guys wareing girl pants it makes me want to pinch their butts
HAHAH COLLEGE im finished for now until june somethings. hehe. DUDE. yea pants
maybe your pants feel tight cause you shrunk em.. o.o
oooh yea thrift shops are fun.. sept when you can find anything you like.. like suspenders. dude. i can only find yellow ones. and theyre ugly. grr. and no hats. nothin. andi thought our thrift stores were good. thats all i hear but yo. they SUCK.. anywho. glad ya found pants *thumbs up*
oooh. i should do that.. but theres like i think 3 places here.. and i might get lost. lol. im good at that =) bored... @_@
ohh wow! you wear girls pants?? i love you!

i dont know i just find it appealing.

have a good day.
hey i just wanted to say i like your lil drawing thing on the side. its the koolest.danyale
yum.. chicken sounds good..
lol. that is werid.
i dont think im really gunna leave, im just sick of some of the comments i get on im not gunna writw for a while...but ne wayz, my aim s/n is

eX oH jEssi CA

lol. weird. i am a girl who likes guy pants and ur a guy who likes girl pants. that is beyond funy. idk i just like baggy they look cute with tight ttyl.

and good luck with the pants sry i just laugh at the dumbest things.
yay! the delima is solved! lol. so where are u from?
i like chic pant too. lol
yea im from stl, MO. its kinda boring here and blah my air conditioning is out so its hot. yea my aim is frenchfry07. u?
yay! the postal service!

im not the average 14 year old
ahaha. it feels good to be loved doesnt it?

i have an extreme admiration for you just because you wear girls pants.

i love that!
i love deathcab for cutie!
im pretty sure you speeld it right. i would spell it the same way too.<3