fucking politics

Listening to: the election shit
Feeling: disgusted
OMG I hate politics so much!!! i hate everything to do with fucking government!!! bhut i do hav opinions soo here i go... bush is fucking lying sack os shit. he is a war happy dumbass who has absolutely no fucking right to be president. if kerry doesnt fucking get elected the u.s. is going to fucking hav major issues. we're going to be fucked. i am in a world of hate and evil..and i cant get out. It's a sad sad world when this democratic state gets taken by george fucking bush. if he gets colorado i'll shit my pants. atleast we kno he cant get california and theres a shitload of ppl there so yay. but anyways how can ppl be so blind as to fall for bush's bullshit. ppl at my school are so fucking stupid. i brought up farenheit 911 and they automatically got defensive about how michael moore is a liar and hes full of shit. WTF is their deal??? theyre so fucking blinded by the ideas that fucking religion gives them, that they dont even try to think for themselves. after seeing all the things that bush did and how much pain and suffering he caused to innocent people for no fucking reason. how can they say that footage is a lie??? the nerve of fucking jason bias!!! that fucker needs to die!!! im sooo beyond pissed about this fucking world and its stupid fucking religious views. u kno wat i think??? i think that christianity is nothing but thousands of years of organized denial.
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Today has to be the worst day for the us ever...ppl are blinded..ppl r dumb.
All the kids mock elections in almost every single school in oklahoma kerry won.Its sad that all us kids are smarter than the adults. I cant believe he is in office again i swear can america get dumber. just wait till all ur kids get drafted and north korea bombs us just wait we got 4 years of hell ahead.
4 years of hell....lets hope we hav that long before the fucking world ends with that fucker in office. ya kno wat it is??? its that fact that norman isnt the only city in oklahoma!!! dont forget about fucking southern cities and towns!!! those fucking retards r the ppl who caused this democratic state to be taken by that dumbass!!! did u kno that mikey voted for bush???? u gotta bitch him out for that one!!!