Listening to: sum stupid shit
Feeling: hyperactive
OMG like so totally WOAH!!! im so damn hyper!!! blah!!! i was jumping off the walls today!!!! i swear to god!!!! haha im like on 3 hours of sleep so i decided that the only way i could stay awake is by being FUCKIN CRAZY BITCH!!! oh yea!!! i gave a guy a wedgie today!!! it was great!!! omg erin i didnt tell you about that!!! i went up behind chris p. and pulled his panties right up his ass!! it was so fucking funny!!!! alec didnt even tell him i was sneaking up an him!!! i assumed he would but he didnt say anything!!! yay go me damnit!!! lolol adios lovas
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oh my god! Ryan Sheckler is sooo hot! I like your dairy!
hahaha lol! Well all I care about is his hotness lol! Thanks!