so yea i went shopping yesterday....and i was pretty rad
and tomarrow im going to new jersey so its gonna be sick¢¾
i kinda like this kid
today i slept in
and it was good!
well ima go
you best comment<3
hey i havent written in here for liek ever!!!
well im at myspace now if u wanna get me!
uhm not much is going on..ive just been chilling with friends and stuff like that..hmm lets see...
well i am offically over him i found someone much better!
ummm...my step mom michell gets her liscence back on the 30th so I CANT WAIT!!!now im just in mr.wackers room chillen here with becky..thats bout it..ill write more later...
well last night i was on the phone with rob for like 2 hours and we had some pretty sweet conversations...
then today-
i woke up straitend my hair got ready then went with patricia and michelle to drop my lil brother to daycare..then we dropped michelle off at work..then patricia dropped me off at jocelyns and jocelyn didn't go to school.so she was idk sick i guess.then first period tia was inb my studyhall and i was like eek dude it was pretty weird..and mr.carrier flipped out on me for some gay reason and like screamed at me..and liek i was yelling back at him and i got him all pissed..so yea and 2nd i had carrier and he was still pissed.3rd we had gym and i guess sarah said stacy told her that she was gonna jump her and slit her t hrat and then they all went to the office...fourth period was well fourth period..fith mr. wyckoff is one funny guy and we were talking about rob...and then we had lunch and me and courtney got into a fight..then me and odie were yelling at collette..and 6th we had crosby and she was boring as usuall and she was pissed b/c i was drawing on my book thinger..and then in roos's we just did well i dont remmeber and me and colette were making fun of mr. roos and me and colette are gonna play a big joke on roos and we asked him if he would get us back and hes liek why would i tell you..and we were like well we wanna know..and he goes to us "ladies you do what you think is in your best interest and i will do what i think is in mine" so we were liek "okay" but me and colette have a master plan in the works to get him big time and mr, wyckoff is in on it b/c hes helping us...so yea..then i walked home..and frank and my pop were outside and i told frank i was gonna whoop his ass..then me and my gradfather went to frits brothers..some car place..dunkin donuts to get a cofee then home depot then turkey hill then home..and i chilled with michelle then patricia came over for dinner...then courtney calle dme to apologize b/c i guess she felt really bad... so were all good now and now im talkin to rob..so ill wirte more later
i stayed home from school today so yea..i was at jess's for a little bit last weekend and we just chilled there..and JESS IS GOING OUT WITH CORY NOW!! ahh i am so ahppy
theyve been going out for awhile but this is the first time that ive writtensince they got together..so yea..school is good.i swear if it wasn't for my friends ther eiw ouldn't even go though..lolwell yea..my little brother is living with us now because him mom fell off the wagon and got really drunk so we went to go get him and now hes staying with us..dude shes omg idk...and.....friday we went tot he plaza and i saw a bunch of people i saw rob and he didn't even know it was me ..i was liek umm rob..lol he says i look better then i did so thta makes me smile hehe..so yea im really tired and lol rob was fighting with this kid for me yesterday it was freakin hilarious me and tim are sittin ther elaughin our asses off. i was like uhh ohh...lol...well im gonna go ill write more kater..oh yea i just updated the layout and everythign tell me if you like it
my computer is broken so im using the schools...im in mr. wackers homeroom class...haha...well today im going to staceys after school then im gonna go home and chill....
ill wirte again tomarrow
well today i woke up called someone but i forget who...then got ready for school then went to school..and it was really boring today...our team was on the announcements b/c of our win...then we got out early and i went home..and now im just chillen...and my friend gave me a fitted hat today..lol...then sarah wants me to go to the football game tomarrow with her an corey so i might...then michelle gets home at 4:30 and we might go out and chill..and jess isn't talking to me b/c of this really gay thing with tia..soidk....tia is a skank so idc...all my friends dotn want me talkin to tia or anyone that talks to her...but im gonna continue talkin to jess if she wants to...anyways i called tim..then he called me bakk so now i haev to go call him bakkk..ill wirte more laeter
we won our game against abington heights...lol the one was cursing lea out....then im on the bus ride home it was so0o funny....then tomarrow we might not have practice tomarrow....then jess well idk bout her....were in a dissagree ment b/c shes beleiving this girl over me when the girl tried to get us to hate each other be4 so its so gay......collette is fliipping out on her grama....collette is upset b/c she cant run for the cross country team......and hmm what else....uhh yes well ill write more later
nothing really exciting today...ummm school was same as usual.. and in practice we didn't this long run thing where we did like 2-3 miles..and i saw collette and odie while they were running for cross country...and then we played indoor hockey so that was fun....and then i came home..and called coleete and she wasn't home so then i called sarah then she calle dme back then we were talkin then i went outside and practiced..and then put my bunny rabbit in the garage so he wasn't cold tonight and then i came in side talked to jess then called caleb for her then i came home and now im talkint o a bunch off peopl ill write more later
omg i havent written in a while well jess and caleb are still together and me and luke are to..im so tired i went tot the trainer about my ankle and he said that i have shin sprints?? so yea...ummm sarah is very happy..lol...but anyways...today in 1st period me n sarah were talkin and somne pretty good shit happend...and then 2nd period a war started between me and lovely mitch...i told him thta his shoes didn't match his outfit and we got into a big fight abotu it tthne we would ask all the teachers..and it was so funny..and nothing really happend until lunch when i told megan that i was gonna go to her house someday....and then i had practice after school...and umm yea then i came home did homework now im gonna go ill write more later
ugh my ankle is killing me...well i didn't go to the football game..tomarrow ima go to the movies with a bunch of people and i might go hang out with kenny..and me and luke aren't doin too good hes bain an ass and treatin me really bad and is just sayin stuff that aint right...so idk...its complicated...well ima go talk to wonderful kenny
well school is ok...nothing really goin on im debating on wheather to go to the game tonight. and i think me and vasnessa and a bunch of people are gonna go to the movies tomarrow...but idk im allc onfused...ill wirte more later ima go talk to ieesha
sckool started yesterday...and ti was ok...well today we went to school and i had practice today and omg....lol....but tomarrow we might not have practice b/c were suppose to rain...so yea...but ill writemore later
yes!! caleb and jess are going out..and im going out with calebs cousin luke so yea not much happend today besides that..i got my hair cut....and uhh now im talkin to luke and my wonderful jess....me and shannon have a master plan in the works..moohaha...hehe
well collette odie and anna kept prank callin me...lol...well ill write more later
i cant beleive im still awake..well jess is liek goin crazy.she sliek having a nervous breakdown...and it hasn't even been 2 hours since she talked to him..so its pretty funny lol...im gettin my hair cut tomarrow so it will be different i guess...and idk what else is gonna happen tomarrow..but ill find somethin i always do...we had a scrimmage today and we did ok...so yea...ill write more later
tryin to get this layout to work...umm i found jess the best guy everrrr...hehe im so damn good
i just got home from practice..and we have a scrimage tomarrow so yea...well me jess megan kenny and sean were all chillen at the storage place the other day...and i found jess i guyy thats gonna show her the brighter things in life..b/c i was talkin to her today and me and her have been to hell and back..so idk she needs soemthin good in her life....so this will be good..i went to jocelyns afteer practice and we practiced some more at her house..so yea
then when i was walkin home i saw ieesha and i talked to her for alil bit...then i saw mirs.carmody and i was talkin to her..now im watin for michelle to get home so i can hang out with her...so idk..sckool is in 3 days!!!ill write more later.....
things are crazy & i'm confused
tell me boy, what should i do? do
i have feelings for u, and if i do *'
. . . . . . .do you have them too?
well today i woke up...got ready to go to the game..and he called me and i wouldn't talk to him so i told my mom to tell him i wasn't aloud to talk...and then we went and got kathleen mcdowell...and we went to the game..and when we got there a couple people from our team was there..b/c we were doin a conssesio stand at a softball tournament to raise money for our shirts...and we were all fooling around..and then at 6 we took kathleen home..and we went tot he store....then i got home around 7ish and i went outside and practiced and i called him back..and he said he still has feelings for me and still loves me and misses me and idk...i dont regret dumping him but i miss him...b/c he used to cheat on all his girls...and he told me that i changed his ways b/c i drve him crazy and that he used to be this p.i.m.p and i mad him change b/c he loved me and all this stuff..and idk what to do b/c i love him to death but i liek being single and i dont want to hurt him again...and idk...part of me thinks he will be happier wihtout me but idk...i just want him happy...and then me an dm ichelle went to block buster and we rented hide and seek and megan made this awesome layout for me!! and me and jess are talking again which is a good thing and idk i really missed her..shes theonyl person i ever really trusted to tell anything and i didn't have her to tell anuthing for awhile...and then iw as cutting but now is topped andit was all bad..but illw rite moe later
Have You-
fallen for your best friend - no
been used - yes
cheated on someone - sadly yes
been cheated on - yep
done something you regret - who hasn't
The Last Person-
you talked to - michelle
you yelled at - ricardo
you laughed with- ricardo?
Do you-
color you hair - highlights?
have tattoos - no not yet
have piercings - ears?
have a boyfriend - soon
own a webcam - no
ever get off the computer - sure
Have You/Do You/Do You Have/Are You-
considered a life of crime - considered it but not really
considered being a hooker - hahaha
think you are psycho - i can be
split personalities - yea..
obsessive - about certain things
obsessive compulsive - no
depressed - uhh yea
suicidal - i can be
obsessed with hate - not really
where would you rather be right now -haha i dont think i should write that on here ;x
what are you listening to now - nothing
anything freakish you can do with your body -umm no?
chicken or fish? -chickenn
favorite animal? - hmmm? idk
clothes - jeans and pink v-neck shirt
mood - tired
taste - iced tea
hair - straight
annoyance -my mom
thing youd ought to be doing - out with friends
refreshment -iced tea
worry - i will never get to straighten things out with someone before summer ends
crushes - a few people
well we finnally figured out what were gonna do....well were picking up kathleen then were goin to the softball game at like 12:30 or 1 to do the conssesion stand to raise the money for our team shirts...then...idk ..im trytin to get thisnew layout to work
omg i just saw on t.v. that eminem went into rehab 2 days ago..omg!!
i went to practice...jocelyn didn't go..we ran a mile..then watched the varsity play..and we have to run a conssesion stand at a baseball terma to rais money for our team shirts..so i guess it will be funn...were gonna pick up kathleen and go...then i came home chilled with michelle..and thats my day...ill write more later
Fr0m that first l0ok i knew i found heaven in y0ur eyes
but wh0 was t0o kn0w the wAy it w0uld g0 ii hAve n0
regrets glAd ii let y0u in w0uldnT hAve miSsed 0ne
single m0ment i w0uld d0 it all 0ver agAin becAuse ii
lEarned whAt l0ve is and ii learned it fr0m l0ving y0u