by dumbblonde4u
Listening to: fireworks
well its my birthday and we just got done watching fireworks...i got a new cell phone and $190...and ill be gettin more....and umm i just hung out with the family today...and i went with michelle (my step mom) to get her eye brows done...then later we went to the store...and we were lookin for him on main street...and we founds him and we drove by his michelle works till 6:00 tomarrow.....and im gonna meet her at her work....shes so cool...lik well put the volume in the car all the way up and she likes rap its so much wwe saw him i was so we were chillen at the fire hall lat night it was pretty seet and i saw him lasy night but he didn't see then he called me today and i wasn't here so then i had to call him ima go ill wirte more later
Luv u,
^ sry i have to lol